Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
9:25 am, Saturday, September 14, 2024
temperature icon 67°F
Humidity 84 %
Wind Gust: 7 mph


Peter LaGoy

LaGoy blazes trails, seeks to preserve them

LaGoy blazes trails, seeks to preserve them

Peter LaGoy has enjoyed the use of trail systems much of his adult life. From his early days growing up in rural Connecticut to his present position as chair of Hopkinton’s Trails Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC), the creation, maintenance and enjoyment of...

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LaGoy blazes trails, seeks to preserve them

Trail organizers take different paths on town plan

Hopkinton has an ambitious goal to have a trail system that runs through town, picking up from the Upper Charles Trail in Milford and connecting to a proposed trail in Ashland. A number of people have been hard at work to accomplish this task, and while they are...

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Hopkinton Trails Club addresses future

Hopkinton Trails Club addresses future

The Hopkinton Trails Club’s third annual Town Trails Forum, held on May 3, featured guest speakers, an update on the group’s activities and achievements, and a look at how the volunteer group will work and interact with the newly formed Trails Coordination and...

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Key Storage 4.14.22