Following a prolonged discussion, the Planning Board at its meeting Monday voted 5-0 to approve the stormwater management permit request for the Elmwood Farms III subdivision after reviewing new plans....
Roy MacDowell
Historical Commission seeks answers about decaying building at 83 East Main
The decaying 19th century-era house at 83 East Main St., sitting on a parcel of land next to Weston Nurseries, was the primary topic of discussion at Tuesday night’s Historical Commission meeting, with members agreeing to reach out to developer Roy MacDowell to see if...
Select Board meeting roundup: Legacy Farms HCA amendment passes
During its Zoom meeting Tuesday night, the Hopkinton Select Board approved a renegotiated host community agreement with Legacy Farms developer Roy MacDowell, which will provide an immediate boost to the...
Town supports Legacy Farms street acceptance
Residents of Legacy Farms North will not have a remedy for their school bus issue this school year, but thanks to support from the voters who stayed for Article 6 at Special Town Meeting on Dec. 6, a solution might be in place by next year. Legacy Farms North (LFN)...
News Briefs: Legacy Farms residents push for early street acceptance
Legacy Farms residents push for early street acceptance Residents of Legacy Farms North, frustrated with the lack of progress on the bus stop issue in their community, sought to take advantage of the Dec. 9 Special Town Meeting by pushing to have Legacy Farms Road...
Independent Thoughts: Let there be lights
Legacy Farms developer Roy MacDowell has seen the light — literally. MacDowell announced to the Planning Board on Jan. 28 that he would provide for a traffic light at the intersection of East Main Street and Legacy Farm Road. A Legacy Farms engineer had indicated that...