Hopkinton, MA
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10:17 am, Saturday, September 14, 2024
temperature icon 73°F
Humidity 75 %
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Town hosts municipal property master planning public forum May 24

by | May 16, 2023 | News

The town will host a public forum on Wednesday, May 24, at 6:30 p.m. at the Senior Center (25 Mayhew Street) to seek input on municipal property master planning.

Residents are invited to provide opinions on how properties such as Fruit Street, the former Center School and the current Elmwood School could be used to meet municipal space needs now and in the future.

Some of the needs already identified include eliminating overcrowding at Town Hall, adding more fields and gymnasiums for Parks & Recreation programs, adding affordable housing and senior housing, supplying accessible records storage, increasing downtown parking and establishing a community center.

“We encourage any community member who wishes to have input on the future of our town to attend the forum to share their voice,” Town Manager Khumalo said. “By involving our residents in the decision-making process, we hope to ensure that the chosen uses for these properties will align with the community’s priorities and values, while establishing goals and identifying some of the ways Hopkinton can be successful in accomplishing them.”

Anyone unable to attend can submit comments to the Permanent Building Committee via an online form. Check the town’s website for details: hopkintonma.gov/news_detail_T13_R69.php.


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