Editor’s note: This is the town of Hopkinton’s COVID-19 update for April 3.
COVID-19 Updates & Precautions
April 3, 2020 PM update

Previous updates and additional information and resources can be found here:
While Town Hall and municipal buildings are physically closed to the public, we are open for business. Many transactions can be completed online, and we are available via phone and email to assist during regular business hours. A full Town Directory can be found here. Parks, Playgrounds and Playing Fields are closed.
As of 11:00 a.m. on 4/3/20, Hopkinton’s Health Department has 13 total confirmed COVID-19 cases; 5 of those cases are active, with 8 recoveries and zero deaths. We are a week prior to the anticipated “surge” in the Commonwealth (April 10 – April 20) and are experiencing an increase in both traceable and community spread cases. Hopkinton’s most recent cases fall within the 20-39 age range and relate to contact at work, travel and undetermined exposures.
PLEASE! Remain home; adhere to the community restrictions in place, especially when outside – do not gather in parks, playground areas, and playing fields as these are CLOSED; and take appropriate social distancing measures when visiting grocery stores, pharmacies and other essential businesses.
The Emergency Management Group has partnered with the operators of Hopkinton’s high density housing and assisted living facilities. We are reviewing their operation and response plans and modifying our response plans accordingly. Should case testing be required at the assisted living facilities, the Governor and DPH may deploy a medical team from the National Guard to perform the testing. This effort is to eliminate transport and maintain a continuity of care.
2020 Boston Marathon Refunds – NEW UPDATE
The Boston Athletic Association is offering refunds to any runners who are not able to participate in the rescheduled race on September 14, 2020. This is the first time refunds have ever been offered. Read more from the BAA.
Cybersecurity for Remote Meetings – NEW UPDATE
The FBI’s Boston Division has issued a warning about video-teleconferencing (VTC) hijacking or “Zoom-bombing.” This is when video meetings, online classrooms, and other remote activities are hijacked by somebody attempting to show pornographic and/or hate images, or threatening language or background noise so as to disturb the meeting. The FBI is recommending cybersecurity efforts such as: not making meetings or classrooms public; not sharing meeting links on social media; managing screensharing options; ensuring users have updated software.
For any future public meeting, Hopkinton has enabled a “waiting room” feature, and the meeting host will explicitly allow each participant into the meeting. Hopkinton Boards and committees that do not have applications which are subject to regulatory or statutory time limitations should not meet.
Massachusetts Beaches Closed – NEW UPDATE
Governor Baker issued an emergency order to close all coastal beaches and parking areas managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation on Friday, April 3 at 12 Noon. State beaches will remain open for activities such as walking, jogging, biking, and solitary fishing. Seasonal state parks will open early this year; visitors are reminded to keep physical and social distance when in parks.
RMV Extends Registration Deadline for 60 Days – NEW UPDATE
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles has extended registration deadlines for 60 days. All passenger and dealer plate registrations that expired in March have been extended until May 31. Registrations that expire in April have been extended until June 30. A limited number of RMV locations remain open for appointment only services, no walk-ins. All services can be accessed online at Mass.Gov/RMV.
Stay Updated & More Resources:
You can find many resources and more information at www.hopkintonma.gov/covid-19
Hopkinton also posts frequently on social media. Our Twitter is the best place to keep up with all happenings Hopkinton. You don’t need an account to see our twitter feed: https://twitter.com/HopkintonMA
Complete list of Emergency Orders and Guidance from Mass.gov