The March 3 Veterans Breakfast brought together dozens of “comrades” who were reminded of military events that previously occurred on March 3. One humorous anniversary hearkened to Congress appropriating funds to buy a small herd of camels — yes, camels — from Africa to test as alternative choices of military transport. An informal vote determined there are no military camels in use these days.

Many subjects were involved in a group discussion which is reflected in the photo of a sample of veterans in attendance. They are under the watchful gaze of David J. “Jeff” Macmillan Sr. (Navy) from his position in the Vets Photo Gallery. Pictured are (from left) Muriel Kramer (Air Force) with a photo comprising a combat team of Philippine scouts who were integral to the recapture of Manila in 1945; Bob Chesmore (Navy); Jacques LeDuc (Coast Guard) showing General H. Norman Schwarzkopf in a “victory pose” at the end of Desert Storm in 1991; Ralph Lawson (Coast Guard) with Time Magazine’s representation of the emergence of a new Turkey under Kemal Ataturk and the demise of the Ottomans 100 years ago; Hank Allessio (Army); Police Chief Joseph Bennett, guest; Tyler Staback (Marines) displaying the camel experiment in 1855; Betty Branagan (Navy) with an 1865 active debate of opposing factions regarding the Freedmen’s Bureau; a guest (Vietnam veteran) with a photo of the USS Nautilus (SSN-571) that was decommissioned March 3, 1980, and remembered as the first nuclear submarine and the first to journey submerged under the North Pole in 1958; and Neil Svendson (Army).
The next Veterans Breakfast will be April 7.
Recap contributed by Hank Allessio.