I want to thank all of the members of the Hopkinton Elementary School Building Committee 2 for the excellent presentation to the Special Town Meeting on Nov. 13. Although I went to the meeting already committed to voting for the new school, I was very impressed with...
Letter to Editor
Letter to the Editor: New school a necessity
I had negative feelings about building a new school. Remember last winter, when Dr. Cavanaugh spent months poor-mouthing over the tax burden related to keeping a few therapists in our schools? Therapists who service our most vulnerable children. My child being one of...
Letter to the Editor: Town should consider alternatives for Elmwood replacement
To the town: A long-lasting impact both financial and operational is at hand. Please become informed and please vote at Town Meeting on Monday. There is no doubt a need for upgrade to the current Elmwood School building. It has served the town well in many ways. I...
Letter to the Editor: New school right decision for town’s future
I write in favor of the Elmwood School project. Having served on the previous school project committee where the town overwhelmingly voted in support of Hopkinton’s youngest learners, I understand the nuances of these building projects and why it is important to...
Letter to the Editor: Vote to end party caucuses in town
A recent letter to the editor in the Hopkinton Independent urged Hopkintonians to vote “no” on Article 2, a measure to be considered in the upcoming Special Town Meeting on Nov. 13. I understand the author’s concerns about the potential elimination of local caucuses,...
Letter to the Editor: Time to replace Elmwood School
It is time to replace Elmwood School whether we, as a community, like it or not. The Elmwood building can no longer support the size of the current student population, and in the next 10 years that population is expected to grow over 20%. If Elmwood does not pass, the...
Letter to the Editor: New school crucial for town
I write to express my wholehearted support for the proposed new elementary school. As a dedicated advocate for educational programming, parent of three students and concerned citizen, I believe a “yes” vote on the Elmwood School project is crucial for the continued...
Letter to the Editor: Party caucuses serve important role
I am chair of the Hopkinton Democrats, but I am writing to express a personal opinion. The opinion is that voting at Special Town Meeting to eliminate local caucuses would result in, at most, a minor inconvenience for the Democrats but a significant and regrettable...
Letter to the Editor: Step up, get involved in town
Do you know who runs the Town of Hopkinton? We the residents do. We have a Special Town Meeting coming up Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. with important issues. Will you attend? There are a number of town boards and committees that are responsible for significant contributions in...
Letter to the Editor: Resident opposing new school defends stance
[Editor’s note: This follow-up letter to the editor is in response to online criticism the author received about Friday’s letter opposing the proposed replacement for Elmwood School.] I will definitely be attending the Special Town Meeting on November 13th and will be...
Letter to the Editor: Hayden Rowe group opposes new school
There is a Special Town Meeting that is scheduled to be held on Monday, Nov. 13, at 7 p.m. As stated in a recent newspaper article, the purpose of this Special Town Meeting “is for voters to take action on the proposed Elmwood School replacement plan, a $158 million...
Letter to the Editor: New state law unfair to taxpayers
Beacon Hill just increased your taxes, and you didn’t even know it. The recently passed and signed into law “Tax Relief Bill” holds several positive changes to our state tax code. However, there is one provision that we should all be aware of. Chapter 62F was passed...
Letter to the Editor: Hold off on herbicides in Maspenock

Some information relating to possible herbicide use in Lake Maspenock: Did you know that lake treatment could cost the town between $50,000 to $60,000 each year or possibly every other year? It is not one and done. The opposers and doubters may be more numerous than...
Letter to the Editor: Minimize trash to save ocean
Imagine the ocean without trash. Imagine how many animals would be saved. The world would have one less problem. The ocean is vanishing right before our eyes. More than 5 trillion pieces of plastic are in our ocean — and plastic alone. Just think how many pieces of...
Letter to the Editor: Main Street intersection a debacle
Which ivory tower engineers revamped the intersection of Hayden Rowe and Main Street, incomprehensibly scooping out a huge semicircle from the corner, forcing cars to veer into the other lane? With now such dangerously tight quarters, get ready to hear the explosions...
Letter to the Editor: Youth misbehavior at CVS must stop
Wow! Can’t believe it. Must be dreaming. I’m in CVS on a Wednesday at 3 p.m., and it’s quiet! Oh, I forgot. It’s July, and school’s out for the summer. That means the “Tweens and Teens Clubhouse at CVS” is closed until the end of August. OK, let’s get serious. CVS is...
Letter to the Editor: New school cost concerning
My concern increases with news of decisions being made regarding the proposed new school. While I am grateful for the Elementary School Building Committee members’ willingness to volunteer their time and energy for this project, recent reports have me scratching my...
Letter to the Editor: Why is trail project a hostile debate?
The Hopkinton Upper Charles Trail Committee (UCTC) was created to provide leadership and oversight in planning, design and development of a multiuse trail connecting Milford to Ashland. The idea is to connect the towns via an off-road, 6-mile trail using old Hopkinton...
Letter to the Editor: Downtown urban heat island
Wonderful ... 53 more parking spaces added downtown! Seven thousand square feet of grass removed from the Town Common for parking and in the process reducing the size of the Doughboy triangle. Seven to 8 feet of lawn removed in front of 25 and 35 Main Street to...
Letter to the Editor: School Committee could use new leadership
I am so disappointed as I read the news article in the Hopkinton Independent about the School Committee reorganization. I am grateful for the service that the board members provide. At the same time, why are the same people continuing to hold onto power in the...