Zoning is a hot issue in Hopkinton right now, whether it’s the MBTA Communities Act, the [proposed] rezoning of Hayward Street and South Street for Marguerite Concrete, or developers asking for a zoning variance exception at School Street and Main Street to put in...
Letter to Editor
Letter to the Editor: Kramer for Governor’s Council
Most of you know Muriel Kramer, a person whose service to the community is remarkable. As someone who has seen Muriel in action for the past several decades, I know her to be conscientious, tenacious and not the least bit hesitant to stand by her convictions. She is...
Letter to the Editor: Resident opposes South Street rezoning
I attended the Aug. 26 Zoning Advisory Committee meeting where Marguerite Concrete’s proposal to rezone the corner of Hayward Street and South Street was discussed. Again! Brief history: Marguerite purchased these lots (zoned residential), admitted awareness of...
Letter to the Editor: Civil for Governor’s Council
I’m writing to share why I’m voting for Tamisha Civil for Governor’s Council in the Democratic primary on Sept. 3. I know Tamisha personally, and I am inspired by her story. She is the proud daughter of Haitian immigrants who came to the United States in search of...
Letter to the Editor: Police interaction appreciated
I just want to give some positive recognition to the Hopkinton Police. I was playing tennis with my 11-year-old son [earlier this summer]. My other son was playing basketball on the basketball courts. I looked over from the tennis court and there was a cop shooting...
Letter to the Editor: The Preserve pushes back on rezoning
I noticed the Planning Board is circling back to The Preserve and across the street as the parcels to be rezoned for the state’s high-density housing [as part of the MBTA Communities Act]. Why? Because the Planning Board members know these properties won’t be...
Letter to the Editor: Legacy Farms North Road needs signage
Legacy Farms North Road runs for 2 miles between Routes 135 and 85. Over the past three years, the road has attracted an increasing number of vehicles and pedestrians, as adjoining residential developments containing several hundred homes have filled out, and as...
Letter to the Editor: Chemicals leave mark on lake
I would like to share some observations after the poisoning of Lake Maspenock that occurred in mid-June. The water birds left — swans, geese, eagles, heron, cormorant, ducks. They are slowly returning. The ducks came first. Around three weeks after the poisoning, our...
Letter to the Editor: Return of parade appreciated
I just want to say a quick “Thank You!” to all who participated in the Horribles Parade. Thanks specifically to Ken Weismantel for his persistence in restarting the parade, and to James Arena-DeRosa as [grand marshal]. As a Democrat, I’d have liked to have seen more...
Letter to the Editor: Herbicide use in lake not worth risk
The Town of Hopkinton’s decision to use herbicides in North Pond [Lake Maspenock] runs contrary to prior engineering studies, science and environmental stewardship. Herbicides in lakes pose significant health risks and may are ineffective in achieving their intended...
Letter to the Editor: Downtown project results disappointing
West Main Street has become incredibly difficult to navigate by car. The sidewalks are absurdly wide and serve no immediate purpose. The roadway is unnecessarily constricted, and parking for adjacent businesses is challenging. The purpose of the Main Street Corridor...
Letter to the Editor: Mimmo for Select Board
I would like to endorse Peter Mimmo for the Select Board. There are a number of reasons for why I believe Peter will be a great addition to the Select Board. Empathy and care: I have known Peter Mimmo for over 10 years. What I have always appreciated is his spirit of...
Letter to the Editor: Herr, Clark for Select Board
I am writing to endorse Brian Herr for a position on the Hopkinton Select Board. I have had the privilege of knowing Brian both personally and professionally. During my time on the Select Board, we dealt with a wide variety of challenges. Brian was always a thoughtful...
Letter to the Editor: Mimmo for Select Board
Dear neighbors, I am writing with passionate support of Peter Mimmo for the Hopkinton Select Board. Peter has unique expertise in matters specifically challenging to our community at this moment. His thoughtful and measured approach to passionate and potentially...
Letter to the Editor: McSweeney for Select Board
I write in support of Kyla McSweeney for Select Board. Kyla not only has the public policy background needed to serve as a Select Board member, she has the character to excel in this role. As a Girl Scout leader over the past six years, Kyla has exemplified what it...
Letter to the Editor: McSweeney for Select Board
Dear Hopkinton residents, I am writing with enthusiastic support for Kyla McSweeney to the Hopkinton Select Board. She is dedicated to public service and has been dedicating her time to the public for 30 years! Professionally, Kyla is the director of comprehensive...
Letter to the Editor: Mimmo for Select Board
I am writing this letter to wholeheartedly endorse Peter Mimmo for the position of Select Board member in our community. With his dedication, integrity and leadership qualities, I am confident in his ability to serve our community with distinction. He has devoted his...
Letter to the Editor: Mimmo for Select Board
This year’s Select Board election has four excellent candidates for Hopkinton residents to choose from. All with talents, experiences and energy our town will benefit from. Peter Mimmo stands out as a candidate with the legal and social negotiating skills our town...
Letter to the Editor: Clark, Herr for Select Board
Please join me in supporting Joe Clark and Brian Herr in the Select Board race. Joe and Brian have the financial background, experience and understanding of Hopkinton that we need at this time. We face difficult decisions, and thoughtful consideration of those...
Letter to the Editor: Mimmo for Select Board
I am happy to endorse Peter Mimmo for the Select Board. He is a candidate who reflects unique experience and qualities we need. Peter’s understanding of our town’s critical issues, his professional legal experience and expertise and deep-rooted commitment to public...