Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
4:02 pm, Friday, June 28, 2024
temperature icon 75°F
Humidity 37 %
Wind Gust: 3 mph



Dog park sited for Fruit Street

Dog park sited for Fruit Street

The town Parks and Recreation Commission, at its Dec. 10 meeting, voted 5-0 to relocate a proposed dog park from the town-owned Hughes property off Hayden Rowe Street to town land on Fruit Street. Last year’s Town Meeting voted down funding for a dog park on the...

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Independent Thoughts: A new year, a new Independent

Independent Thoughts: A new year, a new Independent

There are a lot of stories to share in this town, and I’m sure most of them are more interesting than mine. So, I’ll make this introduction quick. I’m the new editor of this newspaper, and I look forward to continuing the tradition started by former publisher and...

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Charleston-Pollac engagement

Charleston-Pollac engagement

Raymond and Colleen Charleston of Hopkinton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Alicia Colleen Charleston, to Victor Anthony Pollac Jr. Alicia, a research manager at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and returned Peace Corps volunteer, received...

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Wymans celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

Wymans celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

Fairview Estates residents Sona and Henry Wyman celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on Aug. 29. Henry and Sona met when Henry came home from serving in the Army and went to the library in Bangor, Maine, where Sona worked. She made quite an impression on him — he...

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Key Storage 4.14.22