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Hopkinton COVID-19 update for June 8

by | Jun 8, 2020 | News

Editor’s note: This is the town of Hopkinton’s COVID-19 update for June 8.

COVID-19 Updates and Precautions
June 8 update

Previous updates and additional information and resources can be found here:

While Town Hall and municipal buildings are physically closed to the public, ​we are open for business​. Many transactions can be completed online, and we are available via phone and email to assist during regular business hours. A full town directory can be ​found here​. A box at the front door of Town Hall may be used to drop off correspondence, applications, etc., and they may also be mailed or emailed.

As of June 8, Hopkinton’s Health Depa​rtment is reporting 120 total ​confirmed COVID-19 cases; five of those cases are active, with 102 recoveries and 13 deaths. You can see historical tracking and updates on ​Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard.

Reopening Massachusetts — ​NEW UPDATE
On Saturday, June 6, ​Gov. Baker announced that Phase 2​ of the four-phased approach to ​reopening Massachusetts​ begins today (June 8). Phase 2 will consist of a Step One and Step Two.

The following businesses will be eligible to reopen in Step One of Phase II on June 8, with contingencies:

● Retail, with occupancy limits
● Childcare facilities and day camps, with ​detailed guidance​
● Restaurants, outdoor table service only
● Hotels and other lodgings, no events, functions or meetings
● Warehouses and distribution centers
● Personal services without close physical contact, such as home cleaning, photography, window washing, career coaching and education tutoring
● Post-secondary, higher education, vocational-tech and occupation schools for the purpose of completing graduation requirements
● Youth and adult amateur sports, with ​detailed guidance
● Outdoor recreation facilities, with detailed guidance
● Public and semi-public pools; with ​detailed guidance
● Professional sports practices, no games or public admissions
● Non-athletic youth instructional classes in arts, education or life skills and in groups of less than 10
● Driving and flight schools
● Outdoor historical spaces, no functions, gatherings or guided tours
● Funeral homes, with occupancy limits

Just because a business is ​eligible​ to open doesn’t mean it ​must​ open. ​All businesses​ must comply with these ​mandatory safety standards​, and ​all businesses​ must meet these standards before reopening:

●  COVID-19 control plan template​ — Template that satisfies the written control plan requirement for self-certification.
●  Compliance attestation poster​ — Poster that customer-facing businesses are required to print, sign, and post in an area within the business premises that is visible to workers and visitors.
●  Employer and Worker posters​ — Posters that businesses can print and display within the business premises to describe the rules for maintaining social distancing, hygiene protocols, and cleaning and disinfecting.

When can my business reopen?

Parks/fields/playgrounds — ​NEW UPDATE
Town athletic fields are now open under the following guidelines:
● Users should sanitize hands before and after play, not share equipment, and clean and wipe down equipment.
● When engaged in play, users should avoid touching other users’ equipment in separate areas.
● Users waiting to utilize a section or area of the field should wait outside the field of play until previous users have vacated the facility to ensure proper social distancing and prevent accidental contact of other users’ equipment.
● Users should not engage in pickup games, organized games or tournaments.
● Families living in the same residence may engage in field and park activities such as catch, Frisbee, picnics without face coverings and the use of social distancing if they can do so without engaging persons outside of their immediate family.

These fields include: Fruit Street athletic fields, Carrigan and EMC baseball fields, Daniel Shays, Emerald Hills, Pyne Field and Reed Park. The public restrooms at Fruit Street are closed.

Playgrounds at Sandy Beach, Center School and EMC are open to the public. Face coverings are required when social distancing isn’t practical. Playground signage listing the use requirements will be posted soon.

The school fields and playgrounds are to stay closed for the remainder of the school year. School fields and playgrounds will reopen, with limitations, after the last day of school, June 17, 2020.

Hopkinton Temporary Outdoor Dining Rules and Regulations
Anticipating the reopening of restaurants for customer seating outdoors, the Select Board adopted Temporary Outdoor Dining Rules and Regulations​ at its meeting on June 2. Restaurants must comply with the State’s COVID-19 requirements, and the town will expedite and streamline its associated review process. ​Click here for the application.

Parks & Recreation Summer Programming
Click here​ to read a letter from Hopkinton Parks & Recreation.

Hopkinton also posts frequently on social media. Our Twitter is the best place to keep up with all happenings Hopkinton. You don’t need an account to see our twitter feed: https://twitter.com/HopkintonMA

Complete list of Emergency Orders and Guidance from Mass.gov


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