Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.
The Hopkinton High School Class of 2021 — which at 328 students is the largest in school history — overcame one final challenge before graduating Friday night, as an afternoon rain delayed commencement exercises by an hour. “While it’s important and necessary to acknowledge the hard times we’ve all been through, tonight is about celebrating these graduates as they have earned and deserved an appropriate and joyous send-off,” principal Evan Bishop said.
Hopkinton Public Library director Heather Backman will step down July 9, after accepting a position with the Weymouth Public Libraries, the town announced Friday. Backman joined the Hopkinton Public Library in October 2014 as the adult services librarian and was appointed library director in August 2017.
Hopkinton’s latest COVID-19 update shows eight active cases in town and includes an update on the state’s plan for schools in the fall, which is to reopen with no social distancing limitations.
Cheryl Melody Baskin (who goes by Melody) knew she was unlike most others from a very young age. Her “shy nature and hopeful approach to everyday life” was something rather different from the rest of her peers. Baskin fostered these traits into her new book, “Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good.”
Town meetings tonight include Board of Health (5:30), Parks & Recreation (5:30), Planning Board (7) and Tax Relief Committee (7).
Photo of the Day: Visitors to Saturday’s open house at Greyhound Friends greet the three dogs currently being housed in the kennel. Two of the dogs have families committed to adopting them.

Video of the Day: