Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a video or two to brighten your morning.
When Diane Kelley learned she had breast cancer in 2018, she chose not to share the news outside her immediate circle. This fall, when it resurfaced, she elected to take a different approach. “The first time I went through cancer — I’m a pretty private person — I didn’t let it out there. Family and friends knew,” she said. “When you go through this a second time, in some ways I don’t care who knows. I want people to know that it’s important to get screened, to get checked. Nobody wants to go through this.”
The International Marathon Center took another big step forward Tuesday, as the Select Board agreed to authorized the town manager to sign a lease with the 26.2 Foundation for the town property at 45 East Main St.
This week’s Business Profile features Shahood & Sons, a third-generation family plumbing company that recently opened an office in downtown Hopkinton.
The new edition of Library Corner has schedule updates, information on passes to area attractions, and details on upcoming virtual meetings and activities.
Town meetings tonight include the Sustainable Green Committee (6:30) and the Planning Board (7).
Photo of the Day: The American flag outside Town Hall shows some wear and tear as it gets blown around on a windy Tuesday.

Video of the Day: