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Hopkinton Today: Wednesday, Dec. 21

by | Dec 21, 2022 | Featured: Features, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo and video of the day.

During a presentation at Tuesday’s Select Board meeting, members of the Elementary School Building Committee stressed the need for community involvement over the next few weeks as the committee closes in on a recommendation for the site of a replacement for Elmwood School.

During Tuesday’s Select Board meeting, board member Shahidul Mannan asked about the narrow roadway on the western portion of the Main Street Corridor Project. “It’s not a design flaw, it met all the MassDOT [Massachusetts Department of Transportation] standards for the width that it was, but I guess when town staff saw it in the ground they wanted it to exceed the minimum requirements by the MassDOT,” Select Board chair Amy Ritterbusch said.

Leading off the Select Board roundup, Nicholas Walker was introduced as the town’s newest police officer. Also, the board voted to place on the Town Meeting warrant an amendment to the dog leash law, a parade permit was issued for the first Dick Hoyt Memorial 5 Mile Road Race on May 27, and the town needs to trim $2.8 million to reach a balanced budget.

The Hopkinton PTO will present a dynamic and fun two-hour presentation called “The Secret Lives of Teens & Tweens” on Wednesday, Jan. 11, from 7-9 p.m. at Hopkinton Middle School.

Town meetings tonight include the Design Review Board (6:30).

Photo of the Day: The NFL recently encouraged players to promote a charity of their choice with special cleats, and Hopkinton’s Josh Sokol, a member of the Minnesota Vikings’ practice squad, chose the Hopkinton-based charity Live4Evan.

Josh Sokol

Video of the Day:



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