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Letter to the Editor: Barnes for state representative

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Letter to Editor

Loring Barnes comes from a new generation of civic leaders who believes that the best way to solve issues and bring positive change is to first build relationships and consult experts, for an informed consensus that ensures stakeholders are heard.

All one must do to know that Loring is authentic is to ask her a question or give her a problem to solve and then listen to her answer. Loring does not speak in sound bites; she answers thoughtfully, is easy to understand, and gets to the root issue.

Her depth of knowledge comes from relevant, real-world experience along with Select Board governance that Hopkinton needs now: economic development, multi-use construction including residential, commercial, public/municipal, transportation, utility and infrastructure. These are the issues facing us and driving up costs. We need an advocate on Beacon Hill familiar with evolving building and energy codes, supplier diversity compliance, prevailing wage contracts, infrastructure policy and new building safety systems.

Loring led the MBTA’s communications, marketing and government relations during America’s largest and infinitely complex public works project: the Central Artery/Tunnel. This will benefit us as we face a torrent of new state regulations and disruptions. Her national reputation for the state’s largest international tourism event, FIFA World Cup Soccer, is why the Olympics came calling. She has already worked with Hopkinton for the Boston Marathon. The Weld-Cellucci [administration] sought her business pragmatism that saved taxpayers money and improved services. She initiated our state’s first real-time contractor performance reporting system.

It is Loring who has always said that we are a new district of four local towns and that “It’s about all of us.” In fact, I attended her multi-town Select Board meetings when our terms intersected. The other candidate, who offers politicized social activism over recent local municipal management or business experience, seems to have discounted 75 percent of us voters with his party-first campaign. Hopkinton voted for Gov. Baker — twice — and yet he marginalized our 63.4 percent unenrolled and 13.1 percent Republican residents.

Early primary voters turned in only about half of our town’s mailed ballots. To have a voice on Beacon Hill, we must first have a voice by voting in Hopkinton, by mail now or in person on November 8th.

Loring Barnes is an exciting choice for Hopkinton. Please join me in voting Loring Barnes as our new state representative.

— John Coutinho, Hopkinton

Editor’s note: The opinions and comments expressed in letters to the editor are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Independent. Submissions should be no more than 400 words and must include the writer’s name and contact information for verification. Letters should be relevant and not primarily for the purpose of promoting an organization or event or thanking sponsors or volunteers. Letters may be edited by the Independent staff for space, errors or clarification, and the Independent offers no guarantee that every letter will be published. For a schedule of deadlines for letters and other submissions for the print edition, click here.


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