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Main Street Corridor Project: Undergrounding of utilities begins Monday

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Featured: News, News

Main Street Construction Project map 10-15-21

This map indicates the area that will be affected by the upcoming week’s work.

The town announced Friday that the installation of the first electric manhole vault as part of the Main Street Corridor Project will begin Monday near the intersection of Main Street and Claflin Avenue (between 102 and 104 Main Street).

The town’s press release states:

The work Monday will require a lane shift to maintain two lanes of traffic. Police details will be present 24 hours a day as the work will require several days to complete while the excavation pit remains open with Jersey barriers installed around the open excavation. Work hours during the day will remain 7 a.m.-3 p.m. but may be extended if necessary. Temporary lighting is proposed overnight for the protection of detail officers and for vehicle safety traveling through the shifted lane overnight. The plan provides two lanes of traffic through the work area delineated by cones or barrels. There may be the need to temporarily go down to one lane of alternating traffic for short periods of time.

Abutters who will have their driveway access limited or blocked are to be contacted by the town and contractor in the next few days.


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