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Meet the candidates for 2022 Town Election

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Featured: News, News

Annual Town Election is scheduled for May 16.

The Hopkinton Independent invited all candidates to answer some basic questions about their background and provide a general statement, and we present all of them here (a few candidates elected not to submit a response).

Contested races include Select Board, School Committee, Housing Authority and constable.

Below is a list of all positions, followed by the six questions that will appear on the ballot and then the candidate summaries.

Select Board (3 years, vote for 2)
Mary Jo LaFreniere, Democrat* (incumbent)
John Coutinho, Republican*
Shahidul Mannan, Democrat*

School Committee (3 years, vote for 1)
Nancy Richards-Cavanaugh, Democrat* (incumbent)
Christopher Melton, Republican

School Committee (2 years, vote for 1)
Ashley Fogg, Unenrolled
Holly Morand, Democrat*

School Committee (1 year, vote for 1)
Jennifer Devlin, Democrat*
Jared Pray, Democrat

Board of Assessors (3 years, vote for 1)
Peter Mimmo, Democrat*

Board of Health (3 years, vote for 1)
Richard Jacobs, Unenrolled (incumbent)

Board of Library Trustees (3 years, vote for 2)
Susan Porter, Democrat* (incumbent)
David Dollenmayer, Democrat

Board of Library Trustees (2 years, vote for 1)
Anne Beauchamp, Democrat*

Cemetery Commission (3 years, vote for 1)
Kyla McSweeney, Democrat* (incumbent)

Cemetery Commission (2 years, vote for 1)
Linda Kimball, Unenrolled

Commissioners of Parks & Recreation (3 years, vote for 1)
Cynthia Esthimer, Democrat* (incumbent)

Commissioners of Trust Funds (3 years, vote for 1)
Susan Kurys, Democrat* (incumbent)

Constable (3 years, vote for 1)
Michael Hayes, Democrat* (incumbent)

Constable (2 years, vote for 1)
John Cardillo, Unenrolled
Beth Malloy, Democrat*
Michael Torosian, Unenrolled

Housing Authority (5 years, vote for 1)
Linda Di Bona, Republican*
Nancy Drawe, Democrat*

Housing Authority (2 years, vote for 1)
Rebeka Hoffman, Democrat* (incumbent)

Planning Board (5 years, vote for 2)
Maria Elyse Barrett Mihajloski, Democrat*
Ronny Priefer, Democrat*

Planning Board (1 year, vote for 1)
Francis DeYoung, Unenrolled (incumbent)

Town Clerk (3 years, vote for 1)
Connor Degan, Democrat* (incumbent)

Town Moderator (3 years, vote for 1)
Ellen Rutter, Democrat*

* Denotes caucus nominee


Question 1: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to purchase a replacement fire engine for Fire Engine 2, including equipment related to the operation and use of said fire engine?

Question 2: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to pay for upgrades and repairs in the vicinity of Fire Station No. 2 (Woodville)?

Question 3: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to perform repair work on the Lake Maspenock Dam Area?

Question 4: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to pay for the replacement of air handling units in the Middle School and High School buildings, including any planning, design, engineering, construction or associated costs or expenses related thereto?

Question 5: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to pay the increased costs related to the Marathon School Addition project, approved by vote of the 2021 Annual Town Meeting, pursuant to Article 17 of said Town Meeting’s warrant, including any planning, design, engineering, construction or associated costs or expenses related thereto?

Question 6: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to replace the Fruit Street Turf Field including any planning, design, engineering, construction or associated costs or expenses related thereto?

Position being sought: Select Board (incumbent)
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Retired professional assessor
Education: CDA from Beth Israel, MAA State of Massachusetts
Years lived in Hopkinton: 43
Governmental experience: Select Board, Commissioners of Trust Funds, Tax Relief Committee, Board of Assessors, district director for State Sen. David P. Magnani
Additional volunteer/service experience: Boy Scouts; 35 years for the Boston Marathon, many as vice chair of the Hopkinton Marathon Committee
General statement: When I ran for the Select Board three years ago, I had a number of goals. They were to encourage business, preserve our natural resources, keep our excellent school system’s high ranking, provide affordable housing for seniors and others, and develop a smart infrastructure. I had no idea that COVID-19 would affect all of us for two years. I’m so proud of the way all the town departments and the citizens have pulled together to bring us to a more normal way of life. Progress has been made, and now is the time to continue. Going forward, we need to maintain strong financial policies, strengthen Hopkinton’s climate change strategy, and continue to support transparency in local government.
When I came here over 40 years ago, Hopkinton was a warm, welcoming town with a population of approximately 8,000. Now it has over 18,000. That is a lot of growth, and although we have had our growing pains, I am happy to have been part of the transformation. I find that our new residents are getting involved in the community in a large way, bringing with them a rich and diverse background. Hopkinton needs to support and welcome diversity and inclusion while maintaining its beloved character.
I feel blessed every day to have such a wonderful community in which to live with my family. I would appreciate your vote on Monday, May 16th.

Position being sought: Select Board
Party affiliation: Republican
Occupation: Builder
Education: University of Bridgeport
Years lived in Hopkinton: 23
Governmental experience: Vice chair/chair, Select Board; vice chair, Planning Board; special liaison to Boston Athletic Association/Boston Marathon; vice chair/chair Zoning Advisory Committee; member, Upper Charles Trail Committee; member Marathon Fund Committee; vice chair/clerk, Zoning Board of Appeals
Additional volunteer/service experience: Lake Maspenock Preservation Association Board of Directors, Hopkinton Sportsmen’s Association, St. John’s the Evangelist Church, Knights Of Columbus, John Warren Masonic Lodge, Aleppo Shriners, Congregation B’nai Shalom
General statement: From Planning Board to Select Board and now vice chair of ZBA, I am keenly aware of the importance of local government in our daily lives.
Our children’s education, public safety efforts and the investment of taxpayer money in the community is based on the direction the Select Board sets. In short, who we elect locally impacts our families far more than any elections at the national or state level. We must demand more from our elected officials.
For these reasons, I am seeking your vote to serve on the Select Board again.
My passion is a safe, viable community to raise families. My passion is good local government focused on our children’s education, strong public safety and thoughtful taxpayer investments.
The Select Board shifted its focus way outside of Hopkinton to national political debates and causes having zero impact on our children’s education, issues having nothing to do with property tax increases. The board’s rhetoric has been demoralizing, resulting in high turnover within our Police Department. The current Select Board has lost its way, seemingly interested only in personal political agendas that are dragging our town down.
I will again bring balance and a Hopkinton-centered energy. With your vote we can rekindle the amazing community brand we built over the last 20 years, right the ship and stop endless conversations about nothing of consequence. With your vote we can get back on the path to being the best community in the commonwealth to live and raise our families.

Position being sought: Select Board
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Head of data engineering and innovation, Mass General Brigham; cofounder, MBS Analytics; cofounder, Bridge Innovation (education/innovation startup); cofounder/board member, TheBrainNow (health care startup); executive advisor, AmarLab (health care startup)
Education: MBA, Zicklin School of Business, New York City; MIT, executive education; MIT, social analytics; MIT, AI product designer; NYU, database management; Tuck Innovation & Acceleration, The Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth; bachelor of engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology; keynote speaker and writer in innovation, big data, analytics, artificial intelligence, health care, fintech
Years lived in Hopkinton: 10
Governmental experience: Hopkinton Planning Board (present), Community Preservation Committee (present); Hopkinton Appropriation Committee (7 years), Growth Study Committee (80-100 percent attendance record in meetings)
Additional volunteer/service experience: Chief analytics officer, Human Health Project;
president, American Association of Bangladeshi American Engineers and Architects;
mentor/coach, MIT COVID-19 Innovation Challenge
General statement: As a member of the Appropriations Committee for seven years, I have learned to provide fiscal oversight while ensuring success of our community priorities. Through budget meetings with every service area of the town, I honed my skills in listening, understanding and supporting our community. My goal is to preserve and improve resources, while ensuring due diligence and fiscal responsibility. By bringing this, as well as my recent experience on the Planning Board, I will be able to help encourage revenue growth while preserving the cozy, green and peaceful town character that we all love and care about.
I have decades of professional experience as a technology leader — leading strategy, budget and departments of over 300 people, managing software product lines and large enterprise programs. I moved with my wife and two children to Hopkinton in 2012, to raise our kids in a peaceful, friendly and beautiful town with great schools. As we enjoy the resources from the community, we believe in giving back. If elected as your next Select Board member, I will work towards a prosperous Hopkinton that grows in harmony while maintaining affordability, building diverse community, and ensuring our quality of lives.
My key focus areas are: success for schools, managing growth, build business post-COVID and vibrant downtown, preserve town character, healthy budget and taxes, and promote diversity and harmony.
There are two open seats, and I humbly request one of your two votes to elect me to the Select Board on Monday, May 16th.

Position being sought: School Committee, 3-year term (incumbent)
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Psychiatric emergency services clinician
Education: B.A., Colby College; MSW, Boston University School of Social Work
Years lived in Hopkinton: 24
Governmental experience: School Committee 2016-present; previously served on Middle School Council and covered local boards and committees (including the School Committee) for the Hopkinton Independent (2006-18)
Additional volunteer/service experience: HPTA (now HPTO) executive board member, vice president Center School HPTA, Hopkinton 300th Celebration (children’s area coordinator), eHop board member, Girl Scout leader, Hopkinton Youth Soccer Association coach, religious education committee member and teacher
General statement: I am seeking re-election to the School Committee this May to continue to work on behalf of Hopkinton students, families and staff in providing for the educational well-being of all of our students, while still meeting the fiduciary responsibility we hold to the town.  Emerging from the pandemic and in the midst of a youth mental health crisis, our students are facing greater social and emotional needs and learning gaps than we have seen in the past. They need leadership and advocacy at the School Committee level and collaboration with our town partners to meet them where they are at right now and I believe my background and record of dedication to the town and schools position me to provide this leadership. I am experienced, committed and future focused and, if re-elected, will continue to work on the vast array of issues that present to the School Committee.
Our enrollment is continuing to grow, with more than 700 additional students anticipated in the next 10 years. We need careful district-wide campus planning and facilities management with the input of our community and all of the stakeholders to continue to support and grow the excellence of our educational system. We also need to continue to attract and retain the outstanding educators who make our district top-rated in Massachusetts. I still hold dear the commitment I made when I was first elected in 2016 to continuous improvement to benefit all of our students.

Position being sought: School Committee, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Unenrolled/independent
Occupation: Stay-at-home parent
Education: B.S. in applied legal studies from Suffolk University (2010), elected officer of Suffolk University Paralegal Association, graduated magna cum laude
Years lived in Hopkinton: Raised in Hopkinton, attended college in Boston, moved back to Hopkinton in 2018 to raise family
Governmental experience: None
Additional volunteer/service experience: Current HPTO appreciation co-coordinator for Marathon School; active room parent for classrooms at both Marathon and Elmwood schools; active member at Faith Community Church in the children’s ministry; discussion leader for Bible Study Fellowship (held at Faith Community Church)
General statement: I grew up in Hopkinton and attended Hopkinton Public Schools. My husband, Peter, and I moved back in 2018. We have three children, two of whom attend Elmwood and Marathon, and a 4-year-old who will start school in 2023. I am very active in the schools and have a personal relationship with many of the staff members, teachers and principals. My firsthand experience of having children in HPS gives me real insight into the issues, concerns and priorities many parents and community members may have regarding our schools. I hope to take this real-time experience and use it in making informed decisions. Having been raised in Hopkinton gives me a unique perspective that is different to any other candidate. Now with my own children, I have a vested interest in the longevity of the Hopkinton Public Schools’ performance and quality of education.
I hope to provide a new outlook on maintaining the excellence of HPS. I promise to promote civility and compassion and use common sense in my decision-making.
My top priorities are the mental health crisis facing our children as we emerge from the pandemic; managing effectively the exponential growth in our student population in the last several years while also improving the school buildings to handle such an increase; and continuing the excellence of Hopkinton Public Schools’ academics.
I hope to receive your vote, and I promise to work endlessly to do my best to promote and improve the Hopkinton Public Schools.

Position being sought: School Committee, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Research fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; doctoral candidate, behavioral health
Education: B.A. in chemistry/philosophy from Assumption University; M.S. in applied statistics from UMass Lowell; Master of Social Work from Simmons University; Ph.D. candidate in behavioral health from Arizona State University
Years lived in Hopkinton: 18 — I bought my house in May 2004. I grew up in Holliston and have had family in Hopkinton since the 1920s. I also went to Holliston High during school choice, and many of my friends were from Hopkinton.
Governmental experience: Permanent Building Committee 2013-14, social worker for Hopkinton Youth & Family Services 2016-17
Additional volunteer/service experience: Hopkinton Freedom Team board member (current), 18-22 EXCEL Program committee member (2021), HPTA president (2018-19), Adoption Community of New England (ACONE) advisory board member (2016-17), Resolve of New England public speaker (2012-18)
General statement: As a mom of two young kiddos and a 20-year resident of Hopkinton, I know how our schools have grown. However, as we have seen for years and worsening throughout the pandemic crisis, our kids struggle in many ways. Students need help with big feelings and appropriate ways to interact with others in many social situations. For our town to continue the high level of education provided, we must ensure we look at every child as a whole person and make every effort to fill whatever needs they bring into the building. I believe that diversity is a strength, and equity is superior to equality.
My background in science, math, research, social work and behavioral health positions me uniquely to address many of these issues head-on. I have worked as a school counselor with Milford, Franklin and Hopkinton students, addressing mental health struggles; I have created social skills, depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation curriculum for health care providers. I currently run an evidence-based research project at BWH to integrate mental health services into standard care delivery. I created many programs for kids in town on substance use. I have volunteered with organizations that serve many at-risk individuals. The most critical piece of this work is engaging stakeholders, listening to the opportunities for growth, and collaborating on a solution.
Please consider voting for me on May 16. Please contact me anytime so I can listen to what your family’s needs may be.

Position being sought: School Committee, 1-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Teacher
Education: Doctor of Education, Northeastern University; Master of Education, Framingham State University; Bachelor of Science in international business, Ithaca College
Years lived in Hopkinton: 18
Governmental experience: School Committee (2017-20), Elementary School Building Committee for Marathon School (2017-20), Growth Study Committee (2019-21), Center School Re-Use Advisory Committee
Additional volunteer/service experience: Hopkinton Youth Soccer volunteer coach, HPTA classroom volunteer
General statement: My name is Jenn Devlin and I am running for the one-year open seat on the Hopkinton School Committee.
I served previously on the School Committee from May 2017-September 2020 and am choosing to run this year because a one-year term allows no time for “onboarding.” The person who fills this seat will need to instantly navigate the information, laws and policies critical to effectively fulfilling the responsibilities of the committee. Along with the institutional knowledge I acquired over three years serving on the School Committee, I bring perspective from my time on the Growth Study Committee, the Elementary School Building Committee (for Marathon school) and the Center School Re-Use Advisory Committee.
Our schools continue to experience growth in student population and diversity. Simultaneously, teachers and school leaders are working to address the impacts of the pandemic on student development and health, and our community is in the midst of a feasibility study to address another aging school building. My past service to the town positions me well to offer insight into these matters, which I believe will be the major focus of our district and the work of the School Committee in the coming year. I see all of these as opportunities for our district to continue delivering an excellent education to the children of Hopkinton.
I respectfully request your consideration this May, and look forward to continuing to serve our community.

Position being sought: School Committee, 1-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Consultant in pharmaceutical industry
Education: B.S. in chemical engineering from Bucknell University, master’s from Dartmouth College, MBA from Bentley University
Years lived in Hopkinton: 17
Governmental experience: None
Additional volunteer/service experience: Coach in youth sports
General statement: I have lived in Hopkinton for 17 years with my wife, Jessica, and our three children (first-grader, fourth-grader and future member of the Class of 2038). The past two years, we have asked our children to disproportionally shoulder the weight of COVID restrictions. We now must help them gain what they have lost academically and socially, while improving where we as a district have fallen short. This is not the time for the School Committee to relax — there is too much to accomplish.
— We must do more to support all kinds of learners, including students with learning disabilities and special needs as well as advanced learners. Investment by the community has made this a top-10 district in Massachusetts. The next School Committee must commit to maintaining the current standard of excellence.
— Plan for future space needs. While a replacement for Elmwood School is the biggest near-term need, let’s continue our work towards the proposed long-term master plan.
— Be more diligent in ensuring that our schools are a safe, positive environment for each and every student.
In addition to a passion for the education of our children, I bring a business mindset, problem-solving experience, the perspective of working parents with young children, and, uniquely on this next School Committee, the perspective of a father. With my background and experience along with a passion for excellence in this school district, I ask you to vote for Jared Pray for School Committee on May 16th.

Position being sought: Board of Assessors
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Attorney practicing in civil rights litigation and enforcement
Education: Syracuse University, B.S., communications, 1996; Suffolk University Law School, 2000
Years lived in Hopkinton: 7 (since September 2015)
Governmental experience: 20 years as of December 2022 with Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Additional volunteer/service experience: Town of Northbridge, Personnel Board, 2002-14; Town of Northbridge, Town Manager Search Committee
General statement: I am Peter M. Mimmo, a lifelong resident of Massachusetts, and I am running for the open seat on the Hopkinton Board of Assessors. This is my first time running for local office and I am excited about the opportunity to serve our community. Hopkinton has been my home since 2015. My family moved here from Northbridge, where I served in appointed positions on the Personnel Board and the Town Manager Search Committee. That work was rewarding and made me feel connected to the Northbridge community where we lived for 14 years.
As an attorney practicing civil rights litigation, I have dedicated my career to public service.  During my career, I have seen how the selfless work of our state’s public agencies assist those most in need. With your support, I hope to continue my dedication to public service by also serving our community.
In Hopkinton, we pride ourselves on the quality of the services from our town in education, public safety and our beautiful parks and diverse recreational opportunities. In order to maintain these services, it is important to ensure that our property taxes are fair and appropriate, and that our seniors and veterans in need receive the abatements they deserve to help preserve that fairness. As a member of the Board of Assessors, I would do my utmost to work thoughtfully with fellow board members and the skilled professional staff to do just that.
I respectfully ask for your vote on Monday, May 16, 2022.

Position being sought: Board of Health
Party affiliation: Unenrolled
Occupation: Retired M.D./assistant professor UMass Chan School of Medicine
Education: Undergraduate at University of Pennsylvania, UMass Medical School, residency at Mount Auburn Hospital, fellowship at New England Deaconess, master’s in health care administration at Clark University
Years lived in Hopkinton: 39
Governmental experience: Past three years on Hopkinton Board of Health
Additional volunteer/service experience: Hopkinton Cultural Council member (current); Hopkinton High School boys varsity tennis team assistant coach (current); UMass Chan School of Medicine Admission Committee (current), Bridge Advisory Board (current), Alumni Board (current)
General statement: I have had the privilege of serving the community for the past three years on the Hopkinton Board of Health during the country’s worst public health emergency in over 100 years. Hopkinton was fortunate to be guided during this period by Lisa Whittemore (BOH chair) and Shaun McAuliffe (health director). We mobilize the community to meet the state’s requirements, and sometimes institute requirements more rigorous than the state, in order to keep our residents safe. I emergently reinstated my medical license, which allowed me to vaccinate several hundred town residents (including children, adults and senior citizens). Thus, today, Hopkinton’s BOH is in a position for the first time in two years to direct more of its attention to the other pressing needs in public health (vaping, tobacco, opioids, PFOS/PFOA, ticks, EEE, influenza, RSV, depression as well as managing the MRC and Community EMS services).

Position being sought: Board of Library Trustees, 3-year term (incumbent)
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Registered nurse, surgical intensive care unit, and health care consultant (retired)
Education: Boston University, B.S., nursing
Years lived in Hopkinton: 46
Governmental experience: 9 years on Board of Library Trustees, 5 years as chair
Additional volunteer/service experience: Library volunteer (9 years)
General statement: My name is Susan Porter. I am currently the chairperson of the Hopkinton Public Library Board of Trustees and I am running for reelection. My time on the board has encompassed the planning, financing and construction of our new library, several director changes and, of course, COVID restrictions.
As we transition back to “normal” operations after COVID restrictions, I am excited to be a part of the library’s future. Because of these changes and several personnel changes, I feel that the Board of Trustees needs to maintain consistency. The board and I look forward to working with new director Nanci Hill and are excited to see what she will bring.
I am also excited to be involved in the evolution of library offerings. Some examples are increased e-books and audio offerings, a 3D printer, multicultural offerings, memory cafes and kits, and soon a “library of things.”
I have always been passionate about libraries. Growing up, the library was my comfort zone. When we moved to Hopkinton, one of my first actions was to apply for a library card. It has been a source of pleasant reading, serious research and everything in between.
My husband, Michael, and I raised our daughter here, and she now lives in town with her family. My love for books and the library has been passed down to my granddaughters, one of whom is a library substitute during college breaks.
I would appreciate your vote at the Annual Hopkinton Election on May 16, 2022.

Position being sought: Board of Library Trustees, 3-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Retired Professor of German, literary translator
Education: Ph.D. in Germanic languages, Princeton University
Years lived in Hopkinton: 44
Governmental experience: None
Additional volunteer/service experience: Center Trail steward, volunteer at Heirloom Harvest CSA (community supported agriculture) in Westborough, trustee of Touchstone Community School in Grafton
General statement: In late 2021 I was appointed to complete an unexpired term as trustee of the library, and now I hope to win your votes for a full, three-year term. As an emeritus professor of German language and literature at Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a professional translator of German fiction and nonfiction (mostly biographies and art history), I have had a lifelong love of books and reading and feel a deep connection to the library as a place that provides all our residents free access to the joy, pleasure and information that books and other media offer. I am also pleased that the library is a busy meeting place for town clubs and organizations.
I look forward to continuing to support Nanci Hill, the new director of the library, and to working with the other trustees, the Friends of the Library, and the Library Foundation to maintain and expand the library’s many programs. I’m especially impressed by the conversation sessions offered to learners of English as a second (or third or fourth) language.

Position being sought: Board of Library Trustees, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Pre-K-12 coordinator for curriculum, assessment and accountability at Wellesley Public Schools
Education: B.A., Smith College; Ph.D. in educational psychology and research, University of Kansas
Years lived in Hopkinton: 8.5
Governmental experience: Novice
Additional volunteer/service experience: Girl Scout troop leader, founder of a local accessible, free Santa event for kids with special or mental health needs, classroom volunteer
General statement: I am running as a candidate for election to the Hopkinton Public Library Board of Trustees, and would appreciate your vote.
I believe public libraries say a lot about a community, and I am proud of how our library represents Hopkinton. I have always depended heavily on my local library; libraries have enriched every aspect and stage of my life. When I moved to Hopkinton in 2013, our library was “the little engine that could,” being much bigger in soul than in physical presence. Thanks to our neighbors’ hard work and voters’ approval, we have a library facility that can embody our library’s mission to “inspire exploration, discovery and engagement as we enrich and strengthen the social network of our diverse community.” I am excited for the opportunity to work with the Board and the library director for the benefit of the community.
I graduated from Smith College and the University of Kansas. At Wellesley Public Schools, I now lead equity-focused strategic use of educational data. With a husband and three daughters ages 4, 9 and 12, my main volunteerism has been leading my older daughters’ Girl Scout troops and supporting the troops’ works of community action. I have also been a classroom support volunteer and established and ran an accessible Santa visit event in town.
As I turn a page in the nature of my service, I would be honored to receive your vote of support in the Town of Hopkinton Annual Election on Monday, May 16, 2022.

Position being sought: Cemetery Commission, 3-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Director of innovation and program support, Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care
Education: B.A., early education and care; M.S., leadership and policy in early childhood education; J.D.
Years lived in Hopkinton: 14
Governmental experience: One year on Cemetery Commission, served on Marathon School Council, paid positions for Massachusetts Department of Education and Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care
Additional volunteer/service experience: President, Lucy Legacy’s Foundation 2020-present, treasurer 2019-20, member 2017-2019; Hopkinton Girl Scout troop leader, 2018-present;  Wheelock College Alumni Association, Wheelock College Corporation member
General statement: Hopkinton’s cemeteries are places of solitude and remembrance for both those with loved ones buried there and citizens in our community. The upkeep of our town’s cemeteries is important to our entire community, but most importantly to the families who frequent the cemeteries. As a community, we must invest in keeping our cemeteries well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing. We also have a duty to cherish the deep historical roots contained within our cemeteries. We need a plan that will ensure the grounds, roads and headstones are preserved and safe for those visiting or using the cemeteries for study or recreation. Funds from the sale of plots, Community Preservation Funds and general town funds all are used to maintain and improve our cemeteries and are vital to their upkeep and continuance. It has been my honor to serve on this committee for the past year, and I look forward to hopefully continuing my service if my neighbors elect me again. Thank you.

Position being sought: Cemetery Commission, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Independent
Occupation: Recently retired after 25 years as a teacher
Education: Master’s in education
Years lived in Hopkinton: 42
Governmental experience: Have been active in following the Hopkinton government for many years
Additional volunteer/service experience: Years with the PTA, Boy Scouts, Public Library, Senior Center
General statement: Make sure that the six cemeteries in Hopkinton are looked after to honor those that are interred there. Hoping to work with Capital Improvements to replace deteriorating roads at Mount Auburn and Evergreen cemeteries.

Position being sought: Commissioners of Parks & Recreation
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Retired Newton after-school program director
Education: BFA Massachusetts College of Art & Design, M.A. expressive arts therapist Lesley University
Years lived in Hopkinton: 36
Governmental experience: Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Upper Charles Trail Committee, Trails Coordination and Management Committee, Lake Maspenock Weed Control and Management Citizen Advisory Group, Sandy Beach Ad Hoc Committee
Additional volunteer/service experience: Lake Maspenock Preservation Association, Newton After School Association
General statement: I am one of your Parks & Recreation commissioners and I am running for reelection on May 16, 2022. I would be honored to have your vote so that I may continue our new and ongoing projects.
Over the last three years we have completely redone EMC Park playground, have completed the dog park on Fruit Street, and plan to lay down new turf fields at Fruit Street. I am particularly excited about improvements at Sandy Beach as we continue to create a park for everyone to enjoy on the lake. And yes, at last we will begin work to plan pickleball courts!
Providing support for our excellent director and coordinators is very important to me. We are fortunate to have a strong commission that shares a vision to offer all of Hopkinton’s residents outstanding sports programs, recreational activities and well-maintained parks.
Please vote on May 16!

Position being sought: Commissioners of Trust Funds (incumbent)
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Business and nonprofit consultant
Education: MBA, Stanford University
Years lived in Hopkinton: 24
Governmental experience: Currently serving as Commissioner of Trust Funds and as the chair of the Hopkinton Senior and Disabled Tax Relief Committee
Additional volunteer/service experience: I volunteer for several local and regional nonprofits.
General statement: Hi. My name is Sue Kurys and I’m running for re-election to the Commissioners of Trust Funds. For the last three years, I have had the honor of serving the town and its benefactors by ensuring funds from the trusts are disbursed according to the wishes of the generous Hopkinton residents who bequeathed them to the town. I will bring both my knowledge and experience, as well as my commitment to serving all the people of Hopkinton. Please vote for me on May 16.

Position being sought: Constable, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Unenrolled
Occupation: Retired from 30 years in high tech
Education: University of Massachusetts, pre-law
Years lived in Hopkinton: 25
Governmental experience: None
Additional volunteer/service experience: See statement below
General statement: My name is John Cardillo and I’m running for town constable. I have lived in Hopkinton for the past 25 years and have been involved in many activities in town. I have coached softball for my daughter, Kimberly, and was assistant Little League Baseball coach for my son, Jason. I was on the Little League board as equipment manager. I was involved with Hopkinton High School cheerleading (of which Kimberly was a part) as unofficial photographer. Her senior year, Kim was elected team captain. For 3 1/2 years I have been photographing for the Hopkinton Independent, an experience I’ve enjoyed immensely!
My children have benefited from their education here in Hopkinton. Jason went to the University of Vermont. Kimberly went to the University of South Carolina. Jason received a degree in mechanical engineering, as did Kimberly. Kimberly also earned a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. My wife and I loved raising our children in Hopkinton because of the opportunities it afforded them; the multitude of activities, provided by the town, which kept them involved and engaged.
I decided to retire (30 years in high tech) shortly after the passing of my wife, Cindy, to cancer in 2017. At that time, I might have chosen to leave Hopkinton, but I decided to stay! Hopkinton is an inviting, vibrant community that continues to grow in population as well as opportunity!
Allow me the opportunity to give back to our community as your constable.

Position being sought: Constable, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Michael Lisnow Respite Center group home staff
Education: Graduated Arlington High School, attended Mass. College of Liberal Arts
Years lived in Hopkinton: 27
Governmental experience: 9 years on Affordable Housing Fund Committee
Additional volunteer/service experience: After years of volunteering through the scouts and our schools, I fell in love with Camp Sunshine in Casco, Maine — a camp for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. I have enjoyed volunteering there for 13 years. My family and I have fostered many dogs and have placed several here in town. Most recently I have volunteered at Milford Regional Hospital as a compassionate care companion in palliative care.
General statement: I have always been interested in the role of constable for the Town of Hopkinton. I have a very flexible work schedule that allows the time to volunteer in this position. Having lived and worked in Hopkinton for the past 27 years, I’ve come to know and love our community. I’m always looking for a way to give back to the town, and I think constable is a good fit for me. I ask for your consideration and vote come May 16th.

Position being sought: Constable, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Unenrolled
Occupation: Fire alarm operator/television producer
Education: Graduated Malden High School
Years lived in Hopkinton: Since 1987
Governmental experience: Served on the Youth Commission
Additional volunteer/service experience: Call firefighter in Hopkinton for 32 years, Hopkinton Auxiliary Police for 2 years, Hopkinton Little League board and coach 7 years, Hopkinton-Ashland Pop Warner board and coach 6 years, Hop-TV and HCAM volunteer 4 years, St. Paul’s Building Committee 2 years
General statement: I am running for the open 2-year spot vacated by the passing of my friend Frank D’Urso. I feel that my knowledge of the town and its rich history will make me the best candidate to fulfill the function of town constable.

Position being sought: Housing Authority, 5-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Retired teacher/nanny
Education: Creative writing at Emerson College, Boston
Years lived in Hopkinton: 1954-56, 1974-80, 1991-present
Governmental experience: Hopkinton Housing Authority member, Hopkinton Senior Center Council on Aging member/secretary, Veterans Celebration Committee member, Volunteer Advisory Committee member
Additional volunteer/service experience: Computer tutor at Hopkinton Senior Center; wrote weekly columns about the Senior Center for the Hopkinton Independent, Hopkinton Crier and hopnews.com; weekly news reporter for Senior Center activities on HCAM; member of School Council at Center School; vice president of Brampton Circle Tenants Organization at Hopkinton Housing; lunch hostess at Hopkinton Senior Center; trained as a Dementia Friends Champion; currently volunteering to do Dementia Sessions for the Age/Dementia Friendly Initiative in Hopkinton
General statement: As a resident of Hopkinton Housing myself, I have attended most of the monthly board meetings over the last 20 years and have firsthand experience in what our needs are. As a member of the Housing Authority board, I am able to provide a direct voice and be an active advocate for the other residents. If elected, I will continue to work with the other board members as well as the housing director to maintain and improve Hopkinton senior housing. If you, members of your family or friends move to Davis Road in the future, I’m the one you would want to have on your side! Thank you for your support!

Position being sought: Housing Authority, 2-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Retired, substitute teacher in Hopkinton schools
Education: Attended University of Chicago, majored in public affairs; B.S. in foods and nutrition, Framingham State University; M.Ed. in nutrition education, Framingham State
Years lived in Hopkinton: 33
Governmental experience: Current chair, Hopkinton Housing Authority; vice chair, Sustainable Green Committee
Additional volunteer/service experience: Various church leadership positions
General statement: My goals are to provide fiscal oversight and to contribute to the development of policies to manage Hopkinton Housing Authority facilities in a sound and humanely appropriate manner. As a commissioner, I will continue to work to ensure that Hopkinton’s affordable rental housing units for elders, disabled people and low/moderate-income families are safe and pleasant places to live.

Position being sought: Planning Board, 5-year term
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Stay-at-home mom
Education: Psychology and neuroscience degrees from University of Miami
Years lived in Hopkinton: 5
Governmental experience: Zoning Advisory Committee for three years
Additional volunteer/service experience: I am on the Hopkinton Moms Group board and am the vice president of eHop. I have also been the regent of my Daughters of the American Revolution chapter for the past three years, and am a former member of the Junior League of Boston.
General statement: My name is Maria Elyse Barrett Mihajloski,  Those who know me know me as Elyse, and I am running for a seat on the Hopkinton Planning Board. I am a hard worker and problem solver, and have a history of involvement with the town and volunteer groups in town. As our town continues to grow and change, I believe our board and committee members need to reflect that too.
My husband, Todor, and I have lived in Hopkinton for five years. We live in downtown Hopkinton with our two children, a 4-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter. We very much enjoy the trails and parks around town. We would love to see more thoughtful well-planned growth in the downtown area and are anxiously excited for the corridor project to finish!
I believe it is important to have a Planning Board member who has a slightly different view about the town. As a parent of young children, I can bring this valuable perspective and complement the knowledge and skill sets of the current board members.
My skills of research, critical thinking, problem solving and knowledge of various groups in town are a great complement to the other board members. Being a member of eHop, I try to stay up to date on town issues, and having served on ZAC I feel I have an adequate background of town bylaws and how committees are run in town.

Position being sought: Planning Board, 1-year term (incumbent)
Party affiliation: Unenrolled
Occupation: Sales
Education: B.S. Purdue University, MBA Michigan State University
Years lived in Hopkinton: Since 2006
Governmental experience: Planning Board (7 years), Zoning Advisory Committee (2 years), Growth Study Committee
Additional volunteer/service experience: Milford Regional Medical Center Contributors Council, Hopkinton Little League past president, Hopkinton Running Club past president, coached various youth sports (soccer, basketball, baseball)
General statement: I’m running for the Planning Board open seat because I continue to have a passion for serving this community and the wonderful people who live here. To help balance the needs of town in light of the growth we have experienced over the past few years while striving to maintain the charm, character and open space that makes Hopkinton such a special place. I believe that my experience and understanding of zoning requirements, bylaws and zoning processes can positively help guide in the direction, strategy and planning for the town. Ideally, these decisions will have a benefit for homeowners and commercial interest, and that properly aligned development will have a positive long-term impact for the residents of Hopkinton. I enjoy the process and the opportunity to give back to the Hopkinton community. With gratitude, thank you for your support in the past and consideration for your vote with this upcoming election.

Position being sought: Town moderator
Party affiliation: Lifelong Democrat
Occupation: Marketing operations manager in the pharmaceutical industry
Education: Princeton University, B.A. in English; Fairfield University, MBA
Years lived in Hopkinton: I’ve been in Hopkinton for 20-plus years. I moved to Hopkinton in 2000 with my young family; both my sons graduated from Hopkinton High (2020 and 2021). (I briefly landed in Milford for two years in 2005-06.)
Governmental experience: I have had a role supporting Town Meeting for the past five years. as deputy and acting town moderator.
Additional volunteer/service experience: My volunteer experience includes my neighborhood association, my church (board and other roles), and I’m on the board of an exciting new college access nonprofit.
General statement: I’m Ellen Rutter. I’m excited to be running for Hopkinton town moderator.
As your moderator, I’ll bring a fresh perspective and new energy to Town Meeting moderator responsibilities, including making sure that the meeting is run according to our bylaws and town charter.
Town Meeting offers all of us the opportunity to be involved in running Hopkinton. We residents make important decisions at Town Meeting — including ratifying our annual ~$100M budget. It is a forum for residents, committees and employees to help govern Hopkinton!
Over the past five years, I’ve supported Town Meeting as deputy town moderator, acting town moderator (February 2019, Special Town Meeting) and now appointed town moderator. It’s a role I have done, and one I enjoy!
Throughout my career in marketing, meeting facilitation has been one of my primary responsibilities. In my current job, I facilitate complex meetings for a pharmaceutical company. I’ve been regularly recognized for effectively engaging all stakeholders, navigating complex discussions and getting to fair outcomes efficiently. I’m excited to bringing my experience and skills to the town moderator role.
My community engagement has included volunteering on my neighborhood association board, serving on the board at my church and for a college access nonprofit, and participating in local politics.
As Hopkinton grows, we need to ensure that all Hopkinton voices are heard. We need to manage our meetings effectively and efficiently. We need to keep Hopkinton moving forward.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.


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