Rachel Cronin interns at SUNY Oswego
Rachel A. Cronin of Hopkinton took part in a campus internship in fall 2018 through SUNY Oswego’s Center for Experiential Learning. A senior majoring in human resource management, Cronin interned with SUNY Oswego Career Services.
The Center for Experiential Learning at Oswego places students in internships and career awareness opportunities that allow them to earn college credits while garnering valuable life experience.
During the last year, more than a thousand Oswego students took part in experiential learning while working at hundreds of businesses, nonprofit agencies and government offices and on campus in dozens of departments and programs — not counting the hundreds of student teachers working in area schools.
A 157-year-old comprehensive college in the State University of New York system, Oswego enrolls about 8,000 students in its College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; School of Business; School of Communication, Media and the Arts; and School of Education