At a brief meeting Tuesday night, the Select Board unanimously approved moving Annual Town Meeting back five days to Saturday, May 8, at 9 a.m. It will be held at the football field behind Hopkinton High School. Annual Town Election also will be moved back five days,...
Select Board
Select Board considers proposal to move Town Meeting, Town Election back 5 days
The Select Board has called a meeting for Tuesday in which it will continue the discussion from its previous meeting about moving Annual Town Meeting. The proposal before the board is to shift Town Meeting from Monday, May 3, to Saturday, May 8. Also to be addressed...
Select Board roundup: Residents give town high marks in survey; Main Street work begins The town received high marks in a recent community satisfaction survey, according to Damema Mann of the National Research Center (NRC), which conducted the survey. Mann, presenting the results to the Select Board at...
Town Meeting date appears likely to change
Town clerk Connor Degan and Town Meeting moderator Tom Garabedian joined the Select Board on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of moving Town Meeting from May 3 (a Monday night) in order to obtain a more suitable location. The meeting normally is held at the...
Select Board roundup: Main Street Corridor Project construction crews to use Marathon Way as staging area The Select Board voted unanimously Tuesday to allow Main Street Corridor Project construction crews to use Marathon Way — the short road that runs between the Town Common and the Doughboy statue,...
Select Board removes proposed firearm restriction amendment for this year but plans to revisit it
The Select Board voted unanimously Tuesday not to take action on the proposed amendment to the general bylaw that deals with the discharge of firearms, a proposal that was widely and loudly panned by local hunters. While the board is passing on the proposal for this...
Select Board roundup: CFO requests additional funds so town can ‘stand up to Eversource’ At Tuesday’s Select Board meeting the board continued to hear from department leaders regarding the Fiscal Year 2022 budget. Chief financial officer Tim O’Leary requested an additional $30,000 for...
Select Board roundup: Concerns raised about Town Meeting; budget discussions continue; Brault, Palmer recognized Concerns about the logistics surrounding Annual Town Meeting due to the pandemic were raised at Tuesday’s Select Board meeting. Town Meeting moderator Tom Garabedian appeared before the board and asked...
Select Board roundup: Town expected to get boost from state aid; retiring MacAdam lauded During Tuesday’s Select Board meeting, town manager Norman Khumalo shared some good news regarding the town’s Fiscal Year 2022 budget. Last Wednesday, Gov. Charlie Baker revised his estimates for local...
Health director: With town details still unclear, seniors should seek outside vaccination site if possible
While Hopkinton’s COVID-19 case numbers have shown improvement over the last couple of weeks, the town still is having its share of issues, and officials remain uncertain of when the vaccine will be available for residents, Health Department director Shaun McAuliffe...
Select Board considers residents’ request for stricter gun regulations following issue with neighbor
Editor's note: This story was updated Feb. 23 to clarify that the specific proposal was introduced by town counsel after some residents brought the matter to the town's attention. A request from residents to restrict gun use in town led to concerns from Select Board...
Select Board roundup: Town manager presents pair of FY22 budget options
Town manager Norman Khumalo on Tuesday presented the Select Board with two Fiscal Year 2022 budget options, one with a 2.5 percent tax impact on existing property owners, the other...
Kramer, Nasrullah announce campaigns for Select Board
Democrats Muriel Kramer and Irfan Nasrullah announced Tuesday that they have launched their campaigns for the two available Select Board seats in the May 17 Town Election. Kramer, a 30-year resident, is a former Select Board chair who currently holds a seat on the...
Select Board roundup: Economic Development Office debated
Growth Study Committee chair Fin Perry appeared before the Select Board on Tuesday night to encourage the establishment of an Economic Development Office at Town Hall “to call...
Local politicians shocked, embarrassed by Washington riots
Hopkinton politicians were quick to condemn Wednesday’s actions in Washington, where a mob of Donald Trump loyalists stormed the U.S. Capitol while the House and Senate were preparing to confirm Joe Biden’s election as president. Select Board member Amy Ritterbusch, a...
Select Board roundup: Town manager optimistic about FY22 budget
At Tuesday’s Select Board meeting, Town Manager Norman Khumalo said Annual Town Meeting remains on track for May 3, and the work on the budget continues. “I’m really happy to report...
Select Board roundup: International Marathon Center lease OK’d; conservation administrator resigns
The International Marathon Center took another big step forward Tuesday, as the Select Board agreed to authorize the town manager to sign a lease with the 26.2 Foundation for the town...
Select Board adopts modified version of MAPC pledge; references to police removed
In a brief meeting Tuesday night, the Select Board voted unanimously to adopt a modified version of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) pledge to address systemic racism. The...
Select Board roundup: Updated rules include requirement for speakers to be identified; downtown project has contractor
At its meeting Tuesday night the Select Board voted to approve an updated Select Board Rules of Procedure, which includes a directive that members of the public must state their name...
Select Board wants to hear from police about MAPC pledge to address systemic racism
During the continuation of its debate about whether or not to adopt the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) pledge to address systemic racism, the Select Board on Tuesday agreed that members of the town’s public safety departments — most notably the Police...