Resident Peter LaGoy from the Hopkinton Trails Club shared that the Upper Charles Trail Committee (UCTC) has invited the Trails Club, a private group, to present an alternative to the UCTC’s conceptual trail at the UCTC meeting this Wednesday at 5 p.m. The meeting is on Zoom (information on the calendar on the town website) and also will be shown on HCAM.
“I will be presenting as a member and private citizen, although as a private citizen responsible for the construction of the five stone dust trails totaling 2.25 miles currently existing in town,” LaGoy explained. “The presentation will address the differences between recreationally focused shared use paths (SUPs) such as the Hopkinton, Holliston and even Milford trails, and the more bike commuter-focused SUPs like the Minuteman, Bruce Freeman and other urban commuter trails. Trail costs and the reasons for the differences in the costs will be presented, as will the basis for our conclusion that a Class 5 stone dust SUP focused on recreational use is best for Hopkinton. We will also be presenting the details of our alternative route, which we feel is much safer and more consistent with the town’s desire for a wooded shared use path.”
Fact sheets, which have been shared with the UCTC, are available on the Trails Club website at