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Arrests/Police Log, Oct. 30 edition

by | Oct 30, 2024 | News, Police & Fire


None this week.

[Editor’s note: The Hopkinton Independent’s policy for the arrests section is not to include the names of individuals who have been arrested.]



October 22
6:35 a.m. A caller reported being stuck in an elevator on Hayden Rowe Street. Officer Kyle Quinzani responded along with the Fire Department and confirmed a stalled elevator with one occupant and waited for the elevator company to respond.
6:40 a.m. Multiple callers reported a large cart in the roadway on South Street. Officer Sean McKeon responded and checked the area with a negative find.
9:32 a.m. A caller reported a vehicle struck his car in the Shell parking lot on Main Street and drove away. Officer Brian Ziniti responded and took a hit-and-run report.
10:37 a.m. A walk-in reported her car was broken into and several items were stolen. Officer Brian Ziniti took a report.
1:03 p.m. A walk-in from Hawthorne Lane reported vandalism. Officer Brian Ziniti took a report.
2:09 p.m. A caller reported his brother’s gravesite at the St. John Cemetery on Mayhew Street possibly was vandalized. He wanted the incident logged and extra checks of the area.
2:57 p.m. A Pinecrest Village resident reported a gas leak in her basement. She was advised to evacuate. Officer Augusto Diaz and the Fire Department responded.
3:10 p.m. A caller reported a raccoon appeared to have been struck and still was alive in the roadway on College Street. Officer Augusto Diaz responded and checked the area with a negative find.
4:32 p.m. Officer Augusto Diaz made checks of Mayhew Street property.
4:38 p.m. A caller reported he was sideswiped on Main Street near the Shell station. Officer Augusto Diaz responded. A witness stopped to provide information but left, as the two involved drivers were yelling at each other. Officer Diaz took a report.
5:31 p.m. A walk-in handed in a found Chevy key fob.
6:47 p.m. A Deer Run caller reported a suspicious white van parked on the side of the roadway for the past several nights. Sgt. Aaron O’Neil responded, checked on the vehicle and found it unoccupied.
9:44 p.m. A caller requested to speak with an officer about several complaints and crimes in the Hopkinton and Ashland areas. Sgt. Aaron O’Neil spoke with the caller and assisted.

October 23
12:22 a.m. Sgt. Arthur Schofield made checks of a South Street building and a person inside. All was OK.
1:19 a.m. Sgt. Arthur Schofield checked on the Fruit Street fields.
8:26 a.m. A motorist reported a dead raccoon in the roadway on Fruit Street. A message was left for the DPW.
8:33 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker completed community relations on Hayden Rowe Street during school drop-off.
9:00 a.m. Sgt. Matthew McNeil assisted a person on Main Street and provided a courtesy transport.
10:06 a.m. Sgt. Matthew McNeil and Officers Nicholas Walker and Brian Ziniti assisted with an active shooter drill at the high school on Hayden Rowe Street.
11:10 a.m. A caller complained about trees being cut on conservation land on South Mill Street. Officer Nicholas Walker responded and spoke with the caller.
11:52 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker assisted a person with fingerprints for employment.
12:21 p.m. A caller reported the roadway on Blueberry Lane was blocked by a construction company. Officer Nicholas Walker responded and spoke with the crew. A stone and vehicles were moved.
12:47 p.m. Officer Brian Ziniti made checks of the Fruit Street fields.
4:09 p.m. Officer Augusto Diaz responded along with the Fire Department to an illegal burn on West Main Street.
4:22 p.m. A caller requested to speak with an officer about a traffic complaint on Granite Street.
5:52 p.m. Officer Nicholas Saletnik responded along with the Fire Department to a report of the odor of natural gas inside a building.
10:22 p.m. Officer Nicholas Saletnik assisted the Fire Department in responding to a male passed out in a School Street building.
10:54 p.m. Officer Nicholas Saletnik made checks of Wood Street property.

October 24
2:07 a.m. Sgt. Arthur Schofield made checks of Woodview Way property.
8:36 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker assisted at Marathon School on Hayden Rowe Street during student drop-off.
9:48 a.m. A caller reported a large crow or blackbird was injured in an Exchange Street backyard. A message was left for the animal control officer.
9:59 a.m. A caller reported a woman and a young girl walking up an Interstate 495 ramp in Milford. The Milford Police Department and the State Police were notified.
11:33 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker made checks of EMC Park on Hayden Rowe Street.
1:07 p.m. Police Chief Joseph Bennett reported a traffic complaint on Walcott Street. Officer Nicholas Walker responded and followed up.
1:26 p.m. A bank manager on Main Street reported an unwanted person at the bank. Sgt. Matthew McNeil and Officer Nicholas Walker responded and reported all was OK. The person was within his first amendment rights to film.
2:13 p.m. Officer Noah Buentello made checks of Elmwood School on Elm Street.
5:42 p.m. Sgt. Matthew McNeil completed community policing on Legacy Farms North.
7:05 p.m. A Davis Road resident requested assistance closing her secondary door. Sgt. William Burchard assisted.
9:21 p.m. A motorist reported she was on Interstate 495 north and a motorcycle was following her. She took the 54B exit and continued into Upton, and the motorcycle still was following her. Officer Matthew LaTour responded. The caller reported the motorcycle went in a different direction, and she felt safe to turn around and continue home.

October 25
2:18 a.m. A caller reported hearing what he thought was a car accident on Wood Street. Sgt. Shannon Beloin and Officers Justin Cappuccio and Kyle Quinzani responded and checked the area with a negative find.
5:25 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani checked on Mayhew Street property.
7:59 a.m. A walk-in handed in found property from Lumber Street. The property was returned to its owner.
9:33 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker took a report of fraud.
9:39 a.m. A caller reported he accidentally hit a mailbox on Hayden Rowe Street. Officer Noah Buentello responded and assisted.
10:08 a.m. A walk-in reported credit card fraud. Officer Nicholas Walker took a report.
10:35 a.m. Police Chief Joseph Bennett completed community relations on Main Street.
12:10 p.m. A South Mill Street resident reported his wife drove through their garage door. Officer Noah Buentello responded and took a report.
12:36 p.m. Officer Noah Buentello took a report of stolen property on Front Street.
1:31 p.m. A walk-in spoke with Officer Nicholas Walker and reported fraud. A report was taken.
1:57 p.m. Officer Nicholas Walker assisted a walk-in with fingerprinting for employment.
4:56 p.m. A caller reported a staff-on-staff assault on West Main Street. The assailant left the scene. Sgt. William Buchard and Sgt. Arthur Schofield responded and took a report.
8:17 p.m. Sgt.s Arthur Schofield and William Burchard and Officer Matthew LaTour attempted to serve a warrant at a Wood Street residence. The individual was not home, and they spoke with his brother.
11:19 p.m. A Meserve Street caller reported he heard someone in the woods behind his house but could not see anyone. Sgt. Shannon Beloin and Officers Kyle Quinzani, Matthew LaTour and Justin Cappuccio responded and checked the woods around the property with a negative find.

October 26
12:57 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani made checks of Sandy Beach on Lakeshore Drive.
7:30 a.m. A Thayer Heights Road resident reported his mailbox was vandalized overnight. Officer Noah Buentello responded to view the damage and took a report.
10:40 a.m. Sgt. William Burchard assisted a disabled motor vehicle on West Main Street.
11:03 a.m. Officer Noah Buentello responded to a motor vehicle accident on Main Street and took a report.
12:04 p.m. A caller reported a missing 7-year-old girl. Sgt. William Burchard and Officers Noah Buentello and Brian Ziniti responded to Revolutionary Way, and the child was found. A report was taken.
1:43 p.m. A caller reported a part was stolen off a large excavator on Chamberlain Street. Officer Noah Buentello responded and took a report.
2:38 p.m. A South Mill Street resident complained of a neighbor spray painting the roadway in preparation for a large party. Officer Brian Ziniti responded and spoke with the  neighbor about proper roadway rules.
3:20 p.m. A caller concerned for his safety after having an aggressive conversation with his neighbor requested to speak with an officer. Sgt. Matthew McNeil spoke with him and gave advice.
6:39 p.m. A caller handed in a purse found at Price Chopper on West Main Street. The owner was contacted for pickup.
6:52 p.m. Sgt. Matthew McNeil made checks of South Mill Street.
7:34 p.m. An Ash Street caller complained of her neighbor’s dog barking for the past hour and believed the dog was left outside. Officer Noah Buentello responded and found all quiet upon his arrival.
11:57 p.m. Officer Sean McKeon assisted a disabled motor vehicle that ran out of gas on Ash Street.

October 27
3:03 a.m. Sgt. Shannon Beloin and Officer Justin Cappuccio made checks of school property on Hayden Rowe Street.
12:56 p.m. A caller reported a raccoon acting strangely outside a West Main Street building. Officer Nicholas Saletnik and Sgt. William Burchard responded and notified the animal control officer, and the animal was dispatched.
3:50 p.m. A caller complained of an ongoing speeding issue on Longwood Drive. Officer Matthew LaTour spoke with the caller.
4:13 p.m. A Teresa Road caller reported a suspicious black Toyota Tundra with two people inside parked in front of his house for an hour. Officer Nicholas Saletnik responded, and the vehicle was gone upon his arrival.
6:27 p.m. An East Main Street caller reported a neighbor had an outside fire burning, and she was concerned about its proximity to the house. Officer Nicholas Saletnik responded along with the Fire Department.
9:08 p.m. Officer Nicholas Saletnik attempted to speak with a Grove Street resident about property that belongs to her ex-roommate. Nobody answered the door.

October 28
2:33 a.m. Officer Justin Cappuccio checked on a South Street church, found a back door open and secured it. Nobody was on the premises.
2:40 a.m. Officer Justin Cappuccio checked on a van behind California Closets on Avenue F and found it unoccupied.
3:08 a.m. Sgt.  Shannon Beloin assisted the Southborough Police Department with a female prisoner search on Cordaville Road.
8:45 a.m. A caller reported fallen wires on top of tree limbs that were blocking a crosswalk sign on Hayden Rowe Street.
11:18 a.m. A caller reported the lights at the South Street and West Main Street intersection were not cycling properly. Officer Brian Ziniti responded and notified the DPW.
11:25 a.m. A caller reported her husband was out walking and needed assistance getting home. Officer Nicholas Walker responded and checked the bank and Fire Department on Main Street with a negative find. The Main was located in front of Main Street Service Center and given a courtesy transport home.
5:21 p.m. Multiple callers reported a two-car motor vehicle crash on Grove Street. Officers Nicholas Saletnik and Augusto Diaz responded, took a report and provided a courtesy transport.
5:48 p.m. A concerned caller complained of a female operating a pink scooter erratically with her two young kids on Main Street. The caller stated the woman was headed into oncoming traffic and nearly was hit. The incident was logged.
7:09 p.m. A caller reported losing an iPhone possibly on Valentine Road and wanted it logged.
10:22 p.m. Officer Nicholas Saletnik made checks of the Fruit Street fields.


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