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Hopkinton Today for Thursday, Jan. 23: HHS group to run science workshop for younger students

by | Jan 23, 2025 | Featured: Features, Hopkinton Today

Good morning, Hopkinton! Welcome to the daily update we call Hopkinton Today — a quick recap of yesterday’s news, highlights of what’s on tap, and a photo of the day.

HHS’ Young Scientists Association to hold interactive biology workshop for kids in Grades 3-6

YSA Biology Workshop Flyer

Hopkinton middle schoolers will get the chance to learn all about the wonders of the living world at the Hopkinton Public Library next month.

On Saturday, Feb. 1, students from the Hopkinton High School chapter of the Young Scientists Association (YSA) will lead kids in Grades 3-6 in a biology workshop billed as “an interactive and engaging science event filled with interactive events and hands-on learning experiences.”

“[The workshop] is a way for those specific age groups to get a feeling of what they may like to do in the future, but also get interactive experiences,” said Hopkinton YSA president Akshaya Kolluri.

The two-hour workshop will consist of four sections that span topics such as evolution, genetics, plant biology and the water cycle. Each section features information on each topic and a lab experiment.

Kolluri, YSA vice president Devanshi Agrawal and two other volunteers will be leading the event. For Kolluri, providing these sorts of opportunities for younger students is important.

“When I was younger, I wouldn’t get that many opportunities to display my science knowledge,” she said. “I wanted to showcase that out to those ages as well.”

This is the YSA’s second major workshop in town. Last year, the group led an event focused on chemistry that had around 20 kids in attendance. The group is planning more educational events in the near future.

The biology workshop starts at 2 p.m. on Feb. 1. Registration is required a week ahead of the event. More information can be found on the HPL’s online calendar. The workshop will involve interaction with potential allergens, so parents with concerns should contact children’s librarian Carly Moniz at cmoniz@hopkintonma.gov.

Latest News

The Select Board Tuesday night discussed options for funding the proposed adaptive playground at the Marathon School and reviewed the comprehensive budget proposal for fiscal year 2026.

This week’s Police Log features one arrest, along with reports of a truck hitting a pole on Main Street, an injured goose on Lake Maspenock and “pushy” solar solicitors.

The Hopkinton Center for the Arts presents performances of “Willy Wonka Junior,” an Enter Stage Left Theater youth production, this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Town meetings tonight include the School Committee (7) and the Community Preservation Committee (7).

Photo of the Day

Snow accumulates on the boat ramp at the Hopkinton Reservoir.

Snow at Hopkinton Reservoir



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