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Arrests/Police Log, Jan. 1 edition

by | Jan 1, 2025 | News, Police & Fire


December 26
12:03 a.m. Multiple callers reported a white truck doing doughnuts on Proctor Street lawns. One resident reported the truck was stuck in his backyard. Sgt. Aaron O’Neil and Officers Sean McKeon and Benjamin Vaz responded and arrested a 26-year-old Blackstone resident and charged him with OUI liquor, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, intoxicated licensee carrying a firearm, and malicious destruction of property worth more than $1,200. A tow truck attempted to remove the truck, which needed to be winched out.
5:32 p.m. On Wood Street, Sgt. Cody Normandin and Officer Nicholas Saletnik arrested a 25-year-old Milford resident on a warrant.

December 28
1:36 p.m. A Wood Street resident reported he saw on his security camera individuals breaking into his home via a basement entry. Sgt. Cody Normandin and Officer Nicholas Walker responded and searched the home. Two individuals from Manchester, New Hampshire, were arrested and charged with trespassing, breaking and entering for misdemeanor, possession of burglarious instrument, and receiving stolen property worth more than $1,200.

[Editor’s note: The Hopkinton Independent’s policy for the arrests section is not to include the names of individuals who have been arrested.]



December 24
1:31 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani made checks of Wood Street property.
2:32 a.m. A caller reported a loose dog, possibly an Australian shepherd, on Hayden Rowe Street. Officers Tyler Staback and Kyle Quinzani responded and checked the area with a negative find.
3:45 p.m. A walk-in handed in a wallet found on Walcott Street. The owner was notified and picked up the wallet at the station.
4:23 p.m. The operator of a tractor-trailer requested assistance with backing out onto the roadway on East Main Street. Officer Matthew LaTour responded and assisted.
8:45 p.m. Officer Justin Cappuccio made checks of Pratt Way property.

December 25
12:30 a.m. Officer Matthew LaTour made checks of Main Street buildings.
12:41 a.m. An employee of a South Street business requested a walk-through of the building. Sgt. William Burchard and Officer Noah Buentello responded, did a walk-through and found all in order.
3:16 p.m. A motorist asked for a jump-start of his vehicle on West Main Street. Officer Matthew LaTour responded and assisted, but the car would not start. The driver contacted a towing company.
3:54 p.m. A caller reported a person was walking in the middle of the roadway on East Main Street. Officer Nicholas Saletnik responded and spoke with the individual, who was walking on the sidewalk and not impeding traffic.
4:37 p.m. Officer Matthew LaTour responded to a minor motor vehicle accident on West Main Street and issued a written warning to one operator.
6:41 p.m. Sgt. Aaron O’Neil and Officer Benjamin Vaz made checks of Lakeshore Drive and Sandy Beach.
10:49 p.m. A walk-in requested to speak with an officer about obtaining a restraining order. Sgt. Aaron O’Neil and Officer Benjamin Vaz assisted.

December 26
1:51 a.m. A caller reported a fistfight between two people on Clinton Street. Sgt. Aaron O’Neil and Officers Sean McKeon and Benjamin Vaz responded and reported a 21-year-old male was injured, no weapons were present and the parties had been separated. A report was taken.
7:07 a.m. A caller reported a disabled motor vehicle was parked in an EV spot at a West Main street gas station since the previous day. Officer Noah Buentello responded and spoke to the station staff and to the owner, who was to make arrangements for removal.
9:49 a.m. A caller reported a motor vehicle crash on Wood Street. Multiple officers responded. Sgt. Cody Normandin reported a rollover, and all occupants were out of the vehicle. A tow truck was requested, and a crash report followed.
11:19 a.m. Officer Brian Ziniti made checks of Wilson Street property.
1:54 p.m. A caller reported a black box truck left Harvey’s on Wood Street. The driver did not close the back gate, and boxes were falling out of the back and onto the road. Officer Noah Buebntello responded, and the truck was gone upon his arrival.
2:35 p.m. A Jamie Lane resident reported his Apple watch that was stolen in Mexico was mapping in New Jersey. Sgt. William Burchard spoke with the caller and took a report.
4:11 p.m. A caller complained of a political sign on a telephone pole on Elm Street near the Elmwood School that read “Free Robert Rundo.” The caller was told that it was up to the town’s discretion to remove any inappropriate political signs. The complaint was logged.
6:55 p.m. Officer Matthew LaTour checked on a vehicle on Lakeshore Drive and moved the occupants along.
9:15 p.m. Officer Matthew LaTour made checks of Pratt Way and spoke with a youth, who was waiting for a parent to pick him up.
11:54 p.m. Officer Sean McKeon made checks of Clinton Street property.

December 27
12:29 a.m. Officer Noah Buentello made checks of Elm Street property.
9:52 a.m. A motorist reported he hit a deer on East Main Street. Officer Justin Cappuccio responded and took a motor vehicle accident report.
8:02 p.m. Officer Robert Ekross responded along with the Fire Department to a report of a carbon monoxide alarm sounding on Holt Street.
8:09 p.m. Officer Robert Ekross checked on a vehicle in the parking area on Legacy Farms North and moved the occupants on their way.
9:56 p.m. A Cobblers Way caller reported there was someone with a flashlight in his backyard along his property line about 15 minutes earlier. Officer Robert Ekross responded and checked the area with a negative find.

December 28
12:42 a.m. A Westcott Drive resident reported his black standard poodle escaped a few hours earlier. Officer Sean McKeon responded and checked the area with a negative find.
1:25 a.m. Sgt. Shannon Beloin issued a winter parking ban warning on Church Street.
1:29 a.m. A caller reported her neighbor’s door was open, her car was not there and it appeared as if she left in a rush, as there was luggage, food and wine all over. Sgt. Shannon Beloin and Officer Kyle Quinzani responded and spoke to the homeowner, who was pet sitting in a nearby town and stated nobody should be in the house. She asked officers to secure the door.
1:50 a.m. A person in a wheelchair reported an employee at the reception desk at a West Main Street facility would not let her back inside and she was locked out. Sgt. Shannon Beloin and Officer Sean McKeon responded and assisted the woman safely back inside. Management was advised.
5:34 a.m. The DPW requested a vehicle be removed from the roadway on Wescott Drive. Officer Sean McKeon responded, knocked on the door and left a message on the Ring camera. A written warning for a winter parking ban violation was left on the vehicle.
6:17 a.m. An East Main Street caller reported there were two men in his room trying to steal his belongings. Sgt. Shannon Beloin and Officer Kyle Quinzani responded and spoke with Fairview Estates staff, who stated the resident had been very confused lately. Officer Quinzani reported the apartment was clear, and he requested an ambulance.
8:18 a.m. A caller reported a coat, iPhone, earbuds, gift cards and a backpack of dog items were stolen out of her son’s vehicle the previous night in a bar parking lot in Huntington, New York. She wanted the incident logged for insurance purposes. She was advised to report the incident to New York police, but she was told they do not take reports over the phone, and her son was on his way back to Hopkinton. The incident was logged.
8:50 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker completed community relations on Hayden Rowe Street.
11:42 a.m. A walk-in handed in a license plate found on Main Street. It belonged to a vehicle involved in an accident, and the Marlborough Police Department was notified that the front license plate was at the station.
1:12 p.m. Sgt. Cody Normandin and Officers Brian Ziniti, Nicholas Walker and Augusto Diaz responded to a motor vehicle crash on Granite Street. A pole was struck and fell on wires. Eversource and Verizon were notified. Personal injuries were reported.
3:03 p.m. Officers Nicholas Saletnik and Aline Matos took a report of fraud on Washington Lane.
4:09 p.m. Officers Nicholas Saletnik and Aline Matos completed community relations on Main Street.
6:56 p.m. Officers Aline Matos and Nicholas Saletnik assisted the Milford Police Department with translation.
9:28 p.m. A caller reported suspicious activity on Deer Run where a vehicle parked, and two people got out and went through yards. Officers Justin Cappuccio, Augusto Diaz, Nicholas Saletnik and Aline Matos responded along with EMS, who searched for a person with a broken arm.
11:06 p.m. A Lakepoint Way caller reported credit card fraud. Officer Sean McKeon assisted and took a report.

December 29
12:34 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani made checks of Avenue D property.
1:07 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani made checks of Wood Street property.
1:29 a.m. Sgt. Shannon Beloin issued a winter parking ban violation citation on Blueberry Lane.
10:59 a.m. Officer Augusto Diaz checked on a motor vehicle and the driver on Legacy Farms. All was OK.
11:19 a.m. A caller reported a male stumbling out of the woods on Mayhew Street. Sgt. Matthew McNeil and Officers Nicholas Walker and Augusto Diaz responded and checked the area with a negative find.
9:14 p.m. A Glen Road resident reported she left her car unlocked and believed someone went through it either overnight or earlier in the day. Officers Robert Ekross and Benjamin Vaz responded and spoke with the reporting person.
10:19 p.m. A Claflin Place caller reported she thought she heard someone enter the house, and her dog barked. Sgt. Cody Normandin and Officers Justin Cappuccio and Matthew LaTour responded, found all doors locked and checked the home. All was OK.

December 30
12:11 a.m. Officers Tyler Staback and Adam Rowe made checks of Sandy Beach on Lakeshore Drive.
12:43 a.m. Officer Kyle Quinzani checked on EMC Park on Hayden Rowe Street.
7:47 a.m. A caller reported suspicious activity on West Main Street where an employee put boxes not belonging to him in a car. Officer Augusto Diaz responded and took a report.
11:33 a.m. Officer Nicholas Walker assisted a person with non-firearms fingerprinting at the station.
12:43 p.m. Officer Nicholas Walker checked on and spoke with youths on bikes on Chamberlain Street.
2:15 p.m. A walk-in from Blueberry Lane reported losing a green card. Sgt. Matthew Santoro assisted and took a report.
2:26 p.m. A McNeil Circle walk-in asked for advice about an issue with his daughter and a mental health facility.
3:52 p.m. A Stoney Brook Road caller reported two young kids in a silver Mercedes parked on her street that then sped up to 50 mph headed toward Wedgewood Drive. She was concerned because there were children playing outside and people walking dogs in the area. The caller was advised about the traffic complaint form should it occur again.
4:01 p.m. A Revolutionary Way resident reported his daughter possibly was threatened by an individual who stated he had a gun. Officers Robert Ekross and Benjamin Vaz responded and took a report.
4:43 p.m. A caller reported a vehicle with its doors and trunk open and nobody around on Chestnut Street. Officer Justin Cappuccio responded, and the vehicle was gone upon his arrival.
5:17 p.m. An Alexander Road resident reported suspicious activity of her car starting on its own, causing carbon monoxide to build up in her garage. She was concerned, as her bedroom is above the garage. Officer Matthew LaTour responded and took a report.
5:45 p.m. Sgt. Cody Normandin and Officers Justin Cappuccio and Matthew LaTour responded to a motor vehicle accident involving three cars on Main Street and one driver experiencing a diabetic episode. A report was taken.
8:25 p.m. A Constitution Court caller reported a fight outside her door. She was unsure if the fight became physical. Multiple officers responded and spoke with the involved parties. The incident was related to a previous call.
11:45 p.m. Sgt. Cody Normandin checked on Parkwood Drive property.


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