Shahidul Mannan's experiences with both big data and town finances make him an ideal candidate for Select Board. His position on the Appropriation Committee means he spent years learning and subsequently supporting the fiduciary responsibility of the town, a key need...
Hopkinton Independent
Letter to the Editor: Mannan, LaFreniere for Select Board
I am writing to ask you to vote for Shahidul Mannan and Mary Jo LaFreniere for Select Board on Monday May 16th; they are uniquely suited to serve on the Select Board with their municipal finance experience. Mary Jo has served on the Hopkinton Board of Assessors for...
Schools ask families to pack lunches during COVID surge
The Hopkinton School Nutrition Department emailed schools families on Tuesday requesting that students pack lunches the next two weeks "due to an influx of positive COVID-19 cases among the school nutrition staff." There has been a surge in COVID-19 cases in town, and...
A Night for the Arts event May 19 at HHS, HMS
The Hopkinton Public Schools Visual Arts Department will host the annual A Night for the Arts on Thursday, May 19, starting at 6 p.m. The event — featuring hundreds of pieces from photography, ceramics, studio art, digital art, fab lab and more — will be held in the...
HMS Drama Club presents ‘Frozen Jr.’ May 20-21
The Hopkinton Middle School Drama Club will present Disney’s “Frozen Jr.” at the HMS auditorium. Performances are Friday, May 20, at 7 p.m., and Saturday, May 21, at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets, only available at the door, are $10 for students and $15 for adults. Young...
Letter to the Editor: Morand for School Committee
I am pleased to endorse Holly Morand for the two-year School Committee seat. Holly brings a depth of knowledge, broad qualifications and proven collaboration to the table for School Committee. Two things I am impressed with is her past work in Town Hall with former...
Letter to the Editor: Mannan for Select Board
I am writing to express my support for Shahidul Mannan and his efforts to be elected as Select Board member. Shahidul has spent the last few years giving back to the community and tirelessly volunteering in town. His time on the Growth Study Committee and...
Letter to the Editor: Mannan for Select Board
I am pleased to offer my endorsement for Shahidul Mannan for Select Board. Ever since I have known him, I have seen the commitment and passion he has for this town. He has been an extraordinary leader, advocate and friend to all here in Hopkinton. He has always held...
Letter to the Editor: LaFreniere for Select Board
Mary Jo LaFreniere served as district coordinator in my senate office, representing Hopkinton for 10 years. During that time she exhibited, exquisitely, all the leadership qualities needed to be one of Hopkinton's most effective Select Board members ever: She is...
Letter to the Editor: How can Town Meeting improve attendance?
I attended all three nights of Hopkinton’s Annual Town Meeting from beginning to end. The first two nights ended early and the third night started late because we could not maintain a quorum of 128 people. For months, Town Hall staff and various volunteer board and...
Letter to the Editor: LaFreniere for Select Board
It is with great pleasure that I endorse Mary Jo LaFreniere for re-election to one of the two Hopkinton Select Board seats. Although I do not customarily endorse candidates, I make an exception here because of a long and enduring personal connection. I have known and...
Main Street Corridor Project update: Single lane of alternating traffic on East Main Street next 2 weeks
The Main Street Corridor Project will continue over the next two weeks with the installation of electric manholes in front of the Town Common and east of 5 East Main Street, the town announced. For work east of 5 East Main Street, a single lane of alternating traffic...
Letter to the Editor: LaFreniere, Mannan for Select Board
I am pleased to support and endorse Mary Jo LaFreniere and Shahidul Mannan for our Select Board in Hopkinton. I have had the pleasure of working with both of them during my career of service. I am inspired by both and their commitment to volunteering on these boards...
Garden Club debuts new Welcome to Hopkinton sign
A beautiful new Welcome to Hopkinton sign, extending a warm welcome to all who visit and live in Hopkinton, has been placed on West Main Street across from Golden Pond assisted living facility in a collaborative effort led by Hopkinton Garden Club, just as the...
Letter to the Editor: Town Meeting turnout needs to improve
This year’s Town Meeting had problems getting and keeping a quorum of 128 voters. Let’s review the usual reasons. It’s inconvenient: Multiple weeknight meetings are indeed a problem for some. Some other towns hold their town meetings on a single Saturday each year....
Letter to the Editor: Morand for School Committee
I write to ask you to join me in voting for Holly Morand for School Committee on May 16th. Our community has the rare opportunity to fill three seats on this critical board and our choice for the two-year seat could not be more important. Our choice cannot be a...
Military history events reviewed at Veterans Breakfast
Discussions of military history that coincide with the date of the monthly Veterans Breakfast — in this instance, May 6 — provided a full agenda of significant topics Friday morning. Most notably were the many military actions leading to the end of World War II. The...
Letter to the Editor: Mannan for Select Board
I have known Shahidul Mannan for several years and am so impressed with his involvement in town prior to running for the Select Board. His seven years on the Appropriation Committee and two years on the Planning Board has allowed him to provide input in two critical...
Jane Rathburn, 93
Jane von Bauer Rathburn, 93, of Hopkinton passed away at her home on May 5. Born in East Brookfield, she was the daughter of the late Ellen (Ellstrom) and Waldo Simpson. She was the wife of 51 years to the late Harold Rathburn. Jane enjoyed doing cryptograms, solving...
Letter to the Editor: Pray for School Committee
Like many families, one of the things that attracted us to Hopkinton was the great public school system. We have not been disappointed with the quality of our children’s education. However, the schools deserve and need better guidance from our School Board, and there...