Hopkinton, MA
Hopkinton, US
4:24 am, Saturday, June 1, 2024
temperature icon 51°F
Humidity 83 %
Wind Gust: 3 mph


Results for "boston marathon"

Hopkinton moms prep for Boston Marathon

Hopkinton moms prep for Boston Marathon

A Boston Marathon turned virtual has not kept a pair of Hopkinton moms from continuing to train and fundraise for youth sports as if they’d be running down Boylston Street this fall. Ali Balster and Amy Dorfman are running to raise money for Hopkinton Boys Youth...

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VIRTUAL Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk Oct. 4

VIRTUAL Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk Oct. 4

Registration is open for the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk, which will take place virtually on Sunday, Oct. 4. Participants, who will walk their own route, must commit to raising at least $100 (for 12 and under the minimum is $25). Proceeds support adult and...

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List: Hopkinton runners in 2020 Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon postponed to Sept. 14

To hear Hopkinton Select Board member John Coutinho tell it, there was never any consideration given to canceling the Boston Marathon. It was always a matter of when, not if, it would take place. At a press conference in Boston on March 13, Boston Athletic Association...

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Devlin’s first Boston Marathon fulfills dream

Devlin’s first Boston Marathon fulfills dream

Jenn Devlin always knew she wanted to find a way to honor Boston Children’s Hospital for the care shown to her family when her daughter and son, born a year apart, both needed medical attention early in their lives. A decade later, the Hopkinton resident found a way...

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Dick Hoyt aims for return at 2020 Boston Marathon

Dick Hoyt aims for return at 2020 Boston Marathon

Son Rick a race-day decision for 2019 after bout with pneumonia Back surgery and some recent health scares will keep Dick Hoyt from pushing his son, Rick, at this year’s Boston Marathon, but the loving father, accomplished athlete and Hopkinton icon said he is hoping...

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Marathoners look forward to unique Boston

Marathoners look forward to unique Boston

Preparing for a marathon is tough enough. Having it pulled out from under you a month before it was to happen and rescheduled to five months later can present a new set of mental and physical challenges. But local runners we spoke to say they’re taking it all in...

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Key Storage 4.14.22