My unexpected and greatly appreciated act of kindness this Thanksgiving was the gift of an Out Post Farm apple pie from the Troop 11 Scouts. The woman who delivered the pie stated that the Scouts raised money and wanted to share a pie with veterans and seniors. The...
Letter to Editor
Letter to the Editor: Arena-DeRosa for state representative
I have known James Arena-DeRosa for more than 20 years. James has always been involved in social and economic issues. As our state representative, James will be a supporter of the following: women’s rights, education, economic development and preserving the...
Letter to the Editor: Barnes for state rep
I have been a resident of Hopkinton for over 25 years, raised three children in town and have been a part of numerous town activities, as well as a couple of committees. I am endorsing Loring Barnes for state representative, 8th Middlesex District, for the following...
Letter to the Editor: Local retailer supports yes vote on Question 3
The proponents of Question 3 are a grassroots group of liquor stores, supermarkets and convenience store owners and employees trying to get the word out on a limited budget. Your help and support are greatly appreciated and needed. Please vote yes on Question 3! The...
Letter to the Editor: Marathon charity policy questioned
We are writing to express our disappointment that the Select Board has chosen to exclude registered 501(c)(4) non-profits (civic leagues and social welfare organizations) from the Boston Marathon invitational entry process this year. This year only registered...
Letter to the Editor: Town Common needs new trees
At the most recent Parks and Rec Commission meeting, many activities, plans and projects were discussed. However noticeably missing was any discussion of tree planting on the Town Common. If there is a plan, please let the citizens of Hopkinton know what it is. Many...
Letter to the Editor: Arena-DeRosa for state representative
I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for and endorsement of James Arena-DeRosa for state representative in the Middlesex 8th District. My association with James goes back many years to my time in the state Senate, with the honor of representing Hopkinton....
Letter to the Editor: Barnes for state representative
In my close to 50 years as a resident of Hopkinton, most has been spent in a career in real estate development and construction, both residential and commercial. This makes me a nuts-and-bolts guy, both literally and figuratively, in a licensed industry requiring...
Letter to the Editor: Barnes for state representative
Loring Barnes comes from a new generation of civic leaders who believes that the best way to solve issues and bring positive change is to first build relationships and consult experts, for an informed consensus that ensures stakeholders are heard. All one must do to...
Letter to the Editor: Barnes for state representative
In the “new” 8th Middlesex District, Loring Barnes has the best overall experience, on-point ideas and the right energy to properly represent Hopkinton on Beacon Hill. We Hopkinton residents (and taxpayers) deserve a strong voice to ensure that our concerns are heard...
Letter to the Editor: Downtown unsafe due to construction
What is going on in downtown Hopkinton, and will it ever end? I literally cannot get to Center Trail for a run, grab something at CVS or walk my dogs safely. How could anyone possibly create an active construction site where it is so completely unsafe to walk? How is...
Letter to the Editor: Town faces urban heat island conditions
I’ve been uptown recently, doing business with several of our Main Street businesses. I note: — Loss of “convenient” on-street parking (Ward’s Barbershop) — Loss of “comfortable” on-street parking (Phipps Insurance) — Reduced egress at businesses (Shell station, Main...
Letter to the Editor: Game over for forest
Game's up, no new season. We did not get the support when we needed it. We grieve for our irretrievable loss at 71 Frankland Road. A deep, dark historic forest with hundred-year-old trees, cart path-derived trails, peaceful communities of raptors, turtles, deer driven...
Letter to the Editor: Thanks to police details
We owe our police staff, men and women, a big thank you as you direct us as we drive around all the road work downtown. The severe heat and strong sunshine made it a challenge for each one of you. Thank you. You have strength and courage. — Mary McLeod, Hopkinton...
Letter to the Editor: Resident mourns longtime friend

Richard Dexter Sails, son of Dexter and Muriel Sails, was born in 1938 and grew up in Hopkinton at 22 Grove Street. He graduated from Hopkinton High School, Class of 1956. I met Dick in 1952, when I was 11 years old and he was 14. He was my first patrol leader in Boy...
Letter to the Editor: Degan for state representative
I write in support of Connor Degan for state rep. I served as town moderator for Hopkinton from 1996 to 2016. When Ann Click retired as Town Clerk, Connor took over without so much as a hiccup. He is a consummate professional and was a trusted colleague in running...
Letter to the Editor: Arena-DeRosa for state representative
I am writing to express my strong support for James Arena-DeRosa’s bid for state representative. As a longtime resident of Hopkinton, I know that James is the best choice for this seat. In my conversations with James, I have found his understanding of the issues...
Letter to the Editor: Degan for state representative
We're writing to share our thoughts on the upcoming state representative primary. We've gotten to know Connor Degan over the past several years, and what has always stood out to us is his integrity and the tremendous sense of responsibility he feels as a public...
Letter to the Editor: Degan for state representative
I am writing to show my support for Connor Degan for state representative. I have enjoyed the privilege of working with Connor, both as a public official and as a volunteer in his office. I have found Connor to be a personable, courteous and hard-working individual...
Letter to the Editor: Town faces urban heat island conditions
What is occurring in downtown Hopkinton is called an urban heat island. Increased number of buildings and pavement are resulting in negative environmental impacts: higher levels of pollution and increased energy demand (air conditioning). The only solutions as stated...