With one voice, we rise to support Jesse Mermell for Congress in the September 1 primary. We trust Mermell to show up, work hard, and fight for our values. She has met with us personally on many occasions and has joined our community at the Black Lives Matter protest...
Letter to Editor
Letter to the Editor: Tennis courts need divider nets
My brother and I were recently playing tennis on the public courts near Hopkinton Middle School. As we were playing, we quickly came across a problem — one that we could not remedy at that moment. Since there were no barriers of any sort between the courts, any tennis...
Letter to the Editor: Open schools now
My head is spinning as I navigate through myriad media platforms trying to understand the proper tack to take regarding our schools. Why can’t we all hope to get back to the way things used to be using the brick and mortar model exclusively this fall? Empirical data...
Letter to the Editor: What’s happened to common sense and ethics?
As I watch or read the news, I am wondering what happened to common sense and ethics. It doesn’t take a brain (yet I have an educated one) to see they are lagging! Let’s start with the pandemic. We lacked PPE because we outsourced our basic needs manufacturing...
Letter to the Editor: Save Deer Run Sanctuary forest
Help! Hopkinton’s east side is being invaded by detrimental forces from the sun, who wish to destroy this magnificent forested expanse open to hikers, nature lovers, bicyclists. [Hopkinton Area Land Trust’s] Deer Run Sanctuary is completed by the “Liberty Mutual”...
Letter to the Editor: Ritterbusch provides thoughtful leadership
Fellow Hopkinton voters, As we go to the polls on Monday, we’ve got the opportunity to elect new leaders to many town committees. Please consider choosing Amy Ritterbusch for the Select Board. I first got to know Amy through eHop, which she helped found. Many of us in...
Letter to the Editor: Ritterbusch ‘committed to bettering Hopkinton’
I have only words of praise for Amy Burns Ritterbusch. She’s clearly committed to bettering Hopkinton. I have found her to be equable, thoughtful, honest and industrious in her many town-based activities. She works to find the balance of truths in any given situation...
Letter to the Editor: Ritterbusch knows how Hopkinton works
For extraordinary community service and leadership here in Hopkinton, combined with razor sharp intelligence, depth and breadth of knowledge of the Hopkinton landscape and how it “works,” combined with the lovely way she relates and interacts with everyone all the...
Letter to the Editor: Ritterbusch has ‘endless energy’
I have known John Coutinho for many years and it has always been a friendly relationship. His recent conduct, in withdrawing from an issues debate and making unfounded accusations of various kinds, against his opponent and others, has been very disappointing. I know...
Letter to the Editor: Stop online attacks, support Coutinho
Two weeks back I sat down with a cold beverage to watch the Select Board debate between John Coutinho and Amy Ritterbusch. Both candidates are good people and both care deeply about Hopkinton. I was surprised when it ended so abruptly. In the days following “the...
Letter to the Editor: National politics should not be ignored locally
As a college student, home for the summer, this is the first town election in which I have felt empowered to speak up and enact change in the place I call home; however, I did not anticipate the controversy that would come out of this Select Board election. As a long...
Letter to the Editor: Endorsements for Ritterbusch, Ronan
With great enthusiasm, I endorse Amy Ritterbush for Hopkinton Select Board. I have known Amy for several years as a fellow Girl Scout leader and as a fellow member of the Historic District Commission and Claflin Fountain Restoration Committee. In her many endeavors,...
Letter to the Editor: Time to help less fortunate

While certainly everyone in Hopkinton needs to continue taking precautions against the current pandemic, I believe we should use our privilege of being a part of the most powerful nation in the world to do more to help others. The current statistics are appalling....
Letter to the Editor: Support for Batlle-Rafferty, Ritterbusch
It is with pleasure that I endorse Lya Batlle-Rafferty for School Committee. Lya and I have served on the Board of Assessors together since 2017, and I have seen first-hand her dedication to the town and commitment to elected office. Lya is a thoughtful decision...
Letter to the Editor: Ritterbusch ‘understands the issues’
I am writing in support of Amy Ritterbusch for Select Board. I have known Amy for years through our involvement on school and community issues, and I believe she will serve Hopkinton well on the Select Board. Amy is someone who does her research, understands the...
Letter to the Editor: Ritterbusch ‘thoughtful and organized’
I'm a longtime resident of Hopkinton who recently relocated to Cape Cod, and I am wholeheartedly endorsing Amy Ritterbusch for the [Select Board]. I've watched Amy for years and have been very impressed with her participation on the Hopkinton boards. I have been...
Letter to the Editor: Trails should not be paved

Editor's note: This letter is in reference to the proposal to pave portions of the planned Upper Charles Trail continuation in Hopkinton. When is a trail not a trail? When it's a paved paradise. Let's just massacre the whole trail concept, destroy the ecology, the...
Letter to the Editor: Everyone matters to Coutinho
I am asking everyone to consider casting their vote on June 29 for John Coutinho for the Select Board. First let me state that John is a friend. It is how he became a friend that is why everyone should consider reelecting John. For the longest time, everywhere I went...
Letter to the Editor: Batlle-Rafferty ‘passionate about diversity and equality’
We are writing to endorse Lya Batlle-Rafferty as a candidate for the School Committee. We believe that she will do a wonderful job as a member of the committee. Lya brings years of experience in serving on town school boards. She is a vocal advocate on town and school...
Letter to the Editor: Coutinho has ‘great integrity’
I am writing in support of John Coutinho for reelection to the Hopkinton Select Board. John has always worked hard to help and support the town and its residents from his work on ZAC, Planning and now the Select Board. Through John’s leadership the town is financially...